[img][/img] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Jera Odinsdotter [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [u][b]Godly Parents:[/b][/u] Odin and Minerva. [u][b]Sphere of Control:[/b][/u] Knowledge, Wisdom, Battle, Frenzy, Strategy and Magic. [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Somewhat calm and collected, but quick to anger and ferocious (if not outright terrifying) in battle. [u][b]Sacred Animals:[/b][/u] The Raven and the Owl. [u][b]Powers:[/b][/u] - Battle mastery. Possesses the knowledge to masterfully wield any weapon, even the weapon that is the human body through the use of various martial arts. - Strength, speed and stamina/endurance that exceeds even godly standards. - Exceptional learning and memory abilities. - Strategically analytical mind that analyses any battle situation and searches to for the best possible outcome through openings or weaknesses. - Eye of Odin, Eye of Medusa. Inherited Odin's ability to see vast distances. Similarly, much like Minerva's shield, Jera can use her eyes to petrify or momentarily paralyze her opponents. Her gaze can also induce crippling migraines. - Berserker frenzy. In battle, in moments of madness or after sustaining considerable damage, Jera can fly into a rage of bloodlust, seeking any and all weakness and opening to tear apart friend and foe alike. Pain and fatigue cease to register and she will fight to her last drop of godly blood is spilled. This will continue until she is calmed or regains control of herself. - Magic user. Having resided in the minds of Odin and Minerva, Jera has more than an education in what they know, she was actually a part of every thought and memory. As a result their knowledge is her knowledge, magic included. [u][b]Weapon(s):[/b][/u] Whatever weapon she can find, but prefers to use her fists and feet. [u][b]History:[/b][/u] After a night of drunken revelry between Odin and Minerva, Odin found himself with a headache that would could not be cured. Unbeknownst to the all-father, he was pregnant with the child of the godly union who was in the process of educating herself based on all the knowledge the norse god possessed, practicing combat within the confines of his mind which was causing the severe headaches. Upon realizing what was happening, Odin struck a deal with Minerva and, using their combined knowledge and magic, transferred the infant Jera into the mind of Minerva, where she spent the second half of her development, similarly absorbing the knowledge Minerva possessed before the two god met once more to "birth" the child, who emerged almost fully grown. Initially, Jera was raised and schooled by Minerva, but as her formative development had been in the mind of Odin, she had little patience and a lust for battle. While she was a terrifically gifted student, it was not long before she was sent to study under her father. Raised and schooled by the fallen warriors of Valhalla, the norse gods themselves and the valkyries, Jera continued until the routine began to bore her. There was no risk to the battles of Valhalla if all wounds were healed the next day. Looking down on Midgard, the land of mnn, she saw wars, battles and conflict that shaped history, cultures, societies and ultimately, the world. Because of this, she descended into the world of man in search for excitement and battle.