Well about seven people had volunteered which meant one more was needed. Colonel was kind of intense but his rules were fair and seemed alright. Megan would've preferred if he'd yelled less. Snipes Crosshair though? Really? Who named their kid that? Or even worse, had he named himself that? Whatever, [color=red]"I'd like to action duel as well colonel."[/color] Megan said quickly in case there was only a limited amount of people that could duel. As she suspected it looked like action dueling would be the best for her. If she ran faster than everyone else she could play more action cards and gain the advantage, as well as avoid attacks for longer. Would've thought playing three sports a year would help her in playing a card game? The girl she was next to had volunteered as well and seemed eager now rather than terrified. Interesting response to yelling. It seemed like a lot of people wanted to action duel, though really, who wouldn't?