[hider=((Collab between Scarifar, Letter Bee, and BreakingMe))] Lotus headed out of the office with her new orders - she was after two kids. According to their file, they would most likely be found together. One had a special ability to fuse together and become one "special" child, and the other simply controlled electricity. Why they were important, she didn't know. Knowing wasn't her job. Her job was to get the kids and get them back. The directions on the paper pointed toward town. The facility she left was on the outskirts but the drive wasn't too far. She leaned over in her dark SUV and turned the radio on. A song she didn't recognize started playing. She turned the volume down so it was more like a background noise and began to form various plans in her head as to how she could bring the kids in safely. She reached town in a few minutes. First she drove to Conner's house. After a brief scope of the area, it appeared as though he had already left to school. She knew the basic route and the likely area they would walk to get there. She was almost to the school when she saw them on the side of the road. She pulled the SUV over and shut the engine off. She hopped out of the vehicle and headed over to the kids. [i]Be friendly, they won't panic[/i]. Lotus smiled as she reached the two of them. "Hi, I'm new to the area. Do you think you guys could help me for a minute?" As Kimberly and Conner walked, a van had pulled over near them. Kimberly was oblivious, but once glance at the van set off alarms in Conner's mind. Conner had never seen this van driving around here before, which meant something miht be going on. Perhaps Conner was just being paranoid, but considering what the two of them could do, it was better safe than sorry. Conner placed a hand on Kimberly's shoulder and whispered, "Be careful." As Kimberly turned around to face Conner, confused, a woman got out of the van and began asking for help. Conner merely replied to Lotus, "Sorry, but we're off to school right now. Please excuse us." "Eh? We have a minute to spare, don't we?" Kimberly asked. Conner slightly squeezed Kimberly's shoulder for a moment, then replied, "No, we don't. We're going to be late if we don't hurry. Let's go." Kimberly finally caught onto the signs Conner was giving and said to Lotus, "Oh yeah, right. Sorry!" The two began to walk off, attempting to leave before things got out of hand. Lotus began to get frustrated. It was obvious that the kids knew something was up. At least Conner seemed to. However, she wasn't going to give up easily. She took a few steps forward as they moved to leave. "Wait, listen guys. I'm actually from the government. I'm searching for some missing kids in the area. Have you guys heard anything about missing kids?" She was close enough now that she could almost touch them. She tried to put a smile back in her face. "I wasn't supposed to tell you becaue it's a top secret mission. But I can trust you two, right?" She used the reflexes she had practiced over and over in training when she leapt forward and grabbed at both of their wrists. Conner and Kimberly turned back to face Lotus as she pressed the issue with them. At this point, it was fairly obvious that something was going on, and they were at the center of it. When Lotus reached out for the two, Kimberly pushed Conner away in an attempt to protect him, but was too slow to avoid getting grabbed herself by Lotus. In retaliation, Kimberly sent an electric shock to Lotus from her arm to get Lotus to release her. The charge snapped at Lotus' hand and she pulled back slightly. At her motion, the men from the CIA that waited patiently in the SUV jumped out to her aid. They quickly surrounded the kids and looked to Lotus for instruction. She stepped forward and looked Kimberly directly in the eye. Her polite facade broke. She almost smirked as she said, "You're lucky that didn't hurt, little girl. Now, these men are going to help me take the two of you back with me. You'd do best not to try to fight. They will do whatever it takes to get you to come with them." Their eyes darted back and forth to each of the men surrounding them. The way they moved, the way they worked together, they weren't just some random group of kidnappers. They were pros. Conner had regained his footing after being pushed back, and decide to use the only option they had left if they were going to escape. "Kimberly!" Conner shouted as he embraced her. The two began to glow, their silouettes becoming white, then the two merged together, forming a new being. As the glow faded, a woman with long blonde hair and dark clothes stood where the kids had been, looking very determined. "So will we," the woman curtly responded, then began to run the opposite direction of Lotus, firing a bolt of lightning toward the men blocking the path, hoping that it would be enough to break past them to escape. The men were expecting a merge. Lotus was expecting a merge. She had hoped the kids would come easier, but knew, based on past experience, that it didn't always happen that way. Standard protocol would be to use a low level taser, hitting them enough to incapacitate them enough to be taken in. Since they had an effect over electricity, Lotus relied on their other form of submission - tranquillizers. She pulled out her gun, loaded a dart, and aimed at the new woman. [i]Aim twice, shoot once.[/i] She breathed out and pulled the trigger. The two CIA men in the way were knocked aside, but did manage to slow the woman down enough to get hit. They felt a sting on the shoulder, but they continued on running, desperate to escape. They then began to feel a bit woozy, and their vision began to blur. Nonetheless, they continued moving, albeit a bit slower. One of the CIA men then took out another small, easily concealed gun, but this time, instead of firing darts, it unleashed a spray of sticky foam that would be fireproof, electricity proof, able to immobilize people, and of course, pourous enough to allow people to breathe through it. Now Lotus and the other men had a chance to snatch the combined person... The foam completely covered the woman from head to toe. Her movements slowed to a complete stop. Lotus put her gun away, as did the other CIA agents. She waltzed over to the woman, with a cocky demeanor, and faced her. "Looks like you're coming with us anyway." The woman, now immobilized and unconscious, could no longer resist. All they could do now was wait to reach their destination. [/hider]