[b][i]Area 51 - All Star Children, Agents, and Hunters[/I][/B] It was over; all of the Star Children have been gathered. Lotus had been asked to see Shirley Maxwell, while the kids themselves, and the remaining hunter, one Winstow Munroe, were either confined in several comfortable, but padded, rooms, where they would wait a while; Conner and Kimberly might take this time to separate, or they might not, instead staying fused for as long as possible. Either way, Stefan Zimov, the Pyrokine who had rescued Emma Rocha, would make his rounds to the holding cells with an escort of guards; he would then greet the Star Child inside with a smile, a kind gesture, and then say: "Hey, sorry for the trouble we went to get you; can you come with me so we can explain things? And please, don't try to escape; this installation is in the middle of the Nevada Desert, if you must know." And with that, he and the guards would then escort the children to a wide chamber, one that seemed like a classroom due to the placement of the chairs, as well as the presence of other kids and young adults, among them Cedric, who for his willingness to go with Agent Cartwright, had been allowed to while away his time in the laboratories before the meeting. And, facing all the chairs, looking more like a schoolteacher than a Project Head, was Shirley Maxwell, a redhead with a long ponytail, green eyes, and a warm gaze and smile that defied sterotypes about project heads. "Well, it seems that we've gathered all that can be gathered," the woman finally spoke. "Anyway, I'm here to answer your questions; why were you given offers that you cannot refuse? Why were you abducted? Why were you abducted, then offered a job?" "The answer is because you guys, as you yourselves admitted, have powers, powers that are needed, powers that are wanted, powers that need to be used in a coming conflict. Most of you already know what your powers are, and had experience with using them. That is a good thing." "Now, Second Question, what conflict am I referring to? H'mina, you take the reins," she gestured to the blue-green, drider-like creature, who then walked up to the stage. Said blue-greed drider then said, speaking suprisingly good English: "Hello, my name is H'mina, and, yes, I am an alien, of the L'mina species. The L'mina are a race from the far reaches of this setctor of the galaxy, naturally psychic, and who evolved in a planet rich with life. We developed technology in different ways than your species, using crystals and biological life as the basis instead of chemicals and metal. Then, we went out to the Stars, using Psychic Technology in order to break the Light Barrier." "It was then that things changed. In L'mina society, psychic powers can be increased by feeding on the torment of another L'mina - a practice that, when translated into your tounge, would be known as 'Paracannibalism'. This was a banned practice, taboo, but, even as the first explorers began to roam the galaxy, things changed. One of our Great Powers, the D'Nava, first allowed the use of Paracannibalism on Criminals, then Political Dissidents, then, on anyone who opposed them, including other nations. In thirty years, the D'Nava united our race...at a high cost in blood." "However, the D'Nava knew that in the end of the day, consuming their own species would cause their society to collapse, so they saw space exploration as an opportunity: why not go look for other, psychically-capable races, and Paracannibilize them, instead? Problem was, the psychic potential of other races was low, comparatively low...until they got to Humanity." "Humans, you may not know this, have a lot of psychic potential - but do not go believing your 'fortunetellers' and 'psychics' just yet; this potential was supposed to manifest in, say, 100 or 200 years. But the L'mina, now under D'Nava rule, wanted to alter that, and so, they began abducting and experimenting on humans, [i]mixing their own DNA to them[/i], in order to bring out this potential. The so-called 'Greys' are a Red Herring, a false clue left behind to mislead those who went to investigate the abductions." "However, the L'mina were not wholly dominated by the D'Nava; there always remained a subculture that believed in growing one's own psychic powers by one's own effort, by one's own skills. This faction was called the ES'Mira. I am one of that faction. I infiltrated the D'Nava's covert forces on Earth, recorded their experiments on people, and, once I was done, defected and told the strongest government on Earth about what they were doing." "There's something you haven't explained yet," spoke Shirley. "Why do these kids have powers?" "The L'mina abductions began in your so-called 70s. Your grandparents were part of those abductions; it was meant to be a generational project. Your grandparents didn't become geniuses, your parents didn't, either. But you, you and others have achieved the psychic prowess that the L'mina - or rather, the D'Nava, were looking for. And because of that, they are preparing to harvest Humanity, at a time when most humans are afraid." [@Scarifar][@Diggerton][@TaliPaendrag][@Mass City][@Simple Unicycle]