[@Lmpkio][@Flamelord][@dirty slime][@Weird Tales][@Savato [color=lightblue][center][h2]Light - Arcadia 2[/h2][/center][/color] Light was enjoying the front row seats to the giant monster fight. If Gojira was really in trouble she'd just ask for help, but since she hasn't, she should be fine. As she went to grab her last pancake, she found that it was missing, some woman in a fancy suit behind her making rude jokes and who had eaten her last pancake. Light turned to this rude newcomer, glaring daggers at her. "Thats very rude you know. If your going to steal, at least be sexy about it. Not... insufferable." She said, going into the diner to get more pancakes. Coming back out with two in her mouth, she looked at Bambi. Swallowing her pancakes whole, Light said. "OK, who are you, and why are you being so rude and making tactless innuendos." Leaning over to Ahsoka, she said. "Do you know this person?"