Daz released his hold over Lucas' brain, allowing the pain receptors to communicate once more. [color=ff3300][i]Daz,[/i][/color] he informed them, and then frowned, stretching his mind out into the general area. He latched onto a local and began flipping through her memories for a better layout of the town. [color=ff3300][i]Here.[/i][/color] He told them, showing them a series of images of an obviously rich, modern styled house in the mountains. It wasn't far, about halfway back the way they'd come. [color=ff3300][i]It's empty, owned by Stevie Lane, who's apparently a famous singer?[/i][/color] He frowned as he sampled the music from the local girl's memories, it wasn't exactly bad so much as strange and at least half the song was made of Spanish words he didn't know. [color=ff3300][i]If nothing else it's safe.[/i][/color] He turned his attention back to them, eyes hardening. [color=ff3300]"I know where our things are, we can go get them before they destroy them. Phones, wallets, clothes, everything. We need to go soon though."[/color] His eyes landed on Alisha, [color=ff3300]"I need my things,"[/color] particularly the time turner replica that would prove his identity to his contact, [color=ff3300]"Anyone want to go with me? I'm tired, bit bruised, but we don't have a very big window. If we wait they'll get outside of porting range and we'll never get it back. No guards either, just a driver, it'll be easy."[/color] His fear had receded a fair bit, he was ashamed he hadn't been more like Bunny and tried to help others, maybe some of them would have survived if he had. Now that the danger had passed he wasn't willing to let the adrenaline leave him until he could properly hug his mother and cry on her shoulder, and the buildup of stress and trauma was certainly leading up to a good cry out of sheer hopelessness and despair, not even mentioning the complicated, all consuming feeling of grief he felt at the other Deves' deaths.