[center][h3][color=black]Raymond Severus Jones[/color][/h3] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b6/f4/10/b6f410593cbb61ccbb1de208075308cb.jpg[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] The Café [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Harvey, Marilee, Peter [@Altered Tundra][@LovelyAnastasia][@MiddleEarthRoze] [/center][hr][hr] She had seemed nice the day before, but every memory of that faded as Marilee stood before him as everything he despised. He had been expecting more from Harvey than his infant-like ridicule. His mocking comments didn't affect Ray. He knew himself and his relations with his mother and siblings. Nothing Harvey said was going to change that. He really found it unnecessary to go into any of it. To Marilee he just said: [b][color=black]"You seem to be missing quite a few basic concepts to grasp our demigod reality. I'm not going to help you with your fundamental flaws, but I can tell you this, at least: I don't care about any of your lessons, at all. But since you seem to find them so important, let's take a look at them. One, I don't want your talents, so take your hexing somewhere else. Two, don't be a dick, it pisses me off. As for three, do you even realise that almost everybody in this Academy can do far worse things to their fellow demi's than just killing them? Most of us either have some decency or are aware of the fact that if they go there, they unleash the wrath of others upon themselves."[/color][/b] Ray took the cigarette that had been behind his ear and lit it. Inside the café. Arrogance and stupidity were things he didn't want to give to much attention too. Marilee posessed both of those to a great extend. The rhyme Marilee said in combination with what he had learned in this school about the use of different kind of powers, gave him some idea of the effect of the curse. He took a puff. He could effortlessly have her fall in love with him and have her undo the hex. He could make her do everything he wanted, and she would believe that it was her greatest desire to do so. But he chose not to. [b][color=black]"The only thing that you have achieved today, is that if you ever need help, or are ever in danger, I won't care."[/color][/b] He took his jacket from the coat rack and put it on, before taking another puff from his cigarette. [b][color=black]"And I'll have to ask you to leave, by the way. We are about to close."[/color][/b] He was not going to stay here while this place was hexed.