I would like to join again: [url=http://imgur.com/qebnYuQ][img]http://i.imgur.com/qebnYuQ.gif[/img][/url] [b]name[/b]: Anatole [b]gender[/b]: Male [b]godly parents[/b]: Chernabog, Echidna [b]sphere of control[/b]: Monsters, Chaos, Mischief, The Sky, Magic [b]personality[/b]: Anatole is a quiet, reserved, regretful but kind and compassionate deity. He's not necessarily polite, but he USUALLY is. He can get rude and downright hostile if he's continually chided for his parentage. He has morals and ethics from his mother's side, and ironically, even though she was also bestial, if not evil, he's a moral and ethical person in his own right. [b]sacred animal:[/b] The Bull, A Rainbow Snake [b]powers[/b]: Anatole is physically one of the strongest gods. He's by no means the fastest, but he's supernaturally durable, and capable of magical powers that reproduce other god's powers (to a much lesser degree), he can transform into a dragon monster with many heads, like a hydra, and he is supernaturally intelligent. His magic is, although reproducing other powers of other's through inferior emulation, also conjures incredibly powerful illusions which aren't weighted down for being another god's purview. He is also extremely good at the powers of wind, rain, and thunderbolts. Also, many powers you think that an ultimate evil god has, Anatole probably has, although not all. [b]weapon(s)[/b]: Anatole possesses a "legendary" staff of magical power. Some say it's the Rod of Aaron, others say it's a magical staff Merlin used during the early Middle Ages. In reality it's a possession that Anatole created through pure force of will, alchemy and enchantment in the year 1900. This staff increases the wielder's control over magic. ((Anatole's magical reproduction of powers is still inferior to other god's own purview but it allows Anatole to seem to be omnipotent to those who aren't well versed in the supernatural world of gods high immortal beings)). [b]History[/b]: Anatole was born long ago, despite his young appearance. He is suitably creepy and frightening because of his voice, his attitude of "superiority" is because of his decision to distance himself from innocent people who could get hurt because of his affiliation with his parents and his past. In 1860, Anatole considered himself an embryo. Even in his first seconds of creation he was self-aware. He was a dark child, unwittingly and also willingly causing harm to many innocent people. Eventually, Anatole decided to turn towards more benevolent deities, becoming a sort of supernatural executioner or mercenary, depending on your point of view. Anatole's decisions to do good, to support good aligned deities instead of opposing their will, and supporting Humans earned him a Human's rewards in life. Anatole, thus, is insanely regretful for his past. [i]other[/i]: