[b]Name:[/b] Alastro Hunnem [b]Age:[/b] 24 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Sphodromantis. Short version, a mantis enlarged to human size. [hider=Long Version] Long version, the Sphodromantis (often shortened to just 'Mantis'), is a humanoid species with a tough exoskeleton with colors that vary from green all the way to aqua blue. Their eyes are usually big and large with a yellow sclera, though the color of the irises varies from person to person. They do grow hair, but only on the top of their heads and even then, most Mantis have their head shaved. Their exoskeleton is tough enough to withstand normal bullets, pointless with the current laser weapons, though. They also have a pair of wings on their back, though they are too small to actually carry them. There are also a pair of blades sprouting from their forearms, sharp enough to cut through wood and even some metals, though they are mostly useless since they can't compare to a lightsaber. Enough about the weaknesses of the species, let's move on to the actual good points. They are really nimble, and, since the biggest Mantis you'll ever find is about 1.75 meters, their small sizes also allow them to be pretty stealthy. The blades sprouting from their forearms are extremely useful in close range against anyone that is NOT a Jedi, so they tend to use them almost always using a stealthy approach. Their legs are really powerful, and they can jump several meters into the air. When they do this, they can also glide for a short time by using their wings. They also produce a lovely annoying sound with their wings when they shake them, molt somewhat often and the females have a tendency towards cannibalism. Also, their bites are said to be 'somewhat erotic' instead of harmful. [/hider] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Click here for a free ipad!] [img]http://s12.postimg.org/q1nb4bej1/82f0d9b2349afd295d4e95415d0400a7.jpg[/img] Sorry, no ipad. ):[/hider] Alastro stands at 1.70 meters and has sharp red eyes. He usually wears long coats, black pants and shirts with things written in his own language. His coat and shirt have holes in the back and forearms for both his wings and blades. [b]Personality:[/b] Alastro is often seen lazying around in the cockpit, and the ship flying around in auto-pilot mode. Since he has a deep hatred for the words 'hard' and 'work', he tries to rest as much as possible in a single day. Unlike other Mantis, Alastro is neither dedicated nor spiritual. 'A boring monk with a stick up their *sses', he would say before he was sent off-world. Now, he says that half the galaxy has some kind of thing stuck into their behind. He is foul-mouthed, annoying, sarcastic and probably the biggest a-hole you'll ever meet in your life. What makes things worse is that he is the kind of charming a-hole you like having around and are unable to hate. He's only had a couple of friends that have actually said they want to put a bullet in his head, and Alastro always manages to convince them to save it for the next time they meet. Though it is hard to upset him while he is sober, Alastro becomes trigger happy and temperamental when drunk. He also likes to tell exaggerated stories, like the time he once bested a Jedi knight in battle. Nobody came out pretty from that one. His bad puns and black humor have often gotten him kicked out of several bars too. [b]Profession:[/b] Bounty hunter/Mercenary at request/Occasional scavenger [b]Skills:[/b] Stealthy and quick by nature. His powerful legs allow him to jump several meters into the air and he can glide by using his wings. He usually handles two blaster guns at once but his marksmanship increases when using only one. He is also quite the skilled CQC fighter, using the blades in his forearms as weapons. The particular way he fights is a modified version of his homeplanet's martial art known as 'Praying Blades' in the common language. The original focuses in defense with almost no direct physical attacks from the user, with the objective of making use of the opponent's own strength against them, whilist Alastro's is a bit more dynamic and offensive, though at its core it remains the same. [b]Abilities:[/b] Can't be said he is the best pilot, but he knows how to get out of tight spots with only minimal (medium) damage to his ship. Good cook, but only for the Mantis species. Other species tend to find his food 'disgusting'. He claims that with enough practice, he can also make something decent for other species, though he is too lazy to actually try. Alastro is known for being able to talk his way out of things and being an excellent liar and actor. [b]Equipment:[/b] 2 [url=http://battlefront.wikia.com/wiki/DC-15s_Sidearm_Blaster]DC-15s Blasters[/url]. He has given the two of them a paint job to better suit his tastes. They are of a distinctive green and blue color, flashy and easy to identify. If you want a job done, just look for the guy with the green and blue weapons hanging from his hip. Unlike his other two weapons, his [url=http://battlefront.wikia.com/wiki/E-11e_Blast_Cannon]E-11e Blast Cannon[/url] retains its original paintjob. He also has a commlink, for whenever he needs to use it, food and supplies in his ship, a green and blue [url=https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSLgfDoL0LicDonoE5fY_Z9kSD58BPR0T1BbxPk_NrL2m1cDJBz5HWROOTEyw]helmet[/url] to be used underwater or with hazardous chemicals. He owns a [url=https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTdjgPwRGYBtEIMjkO89MYv9ZiKxQYFQJvjfaXnQpMhm2T0rCjen9qlZ18L]Naboo N-1 Starfighter[/url] he stole from one of his marks in Naboo. He used it for a quick escape but he ended up liking the ship more than he thought he would and kept it. He really wants to get a droid so that it can pilot the ship while he sleeps. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Raised in the planet Ahizora, Alastro's race is actually a complete contrast to himself. The term 'praying mantis' never suited an species better. Peaceful and trying to reach Nirvana, the Mantis usually grow up in temples dedicated to their several Gods. They are instructed in martial arts and given shape to become the next generation of peaceful Mantis, one step closer to achieving Nirvana. Mantis like Alastro are not exactly unusual. Several leave the planet before their instruction is complete, after all, but Alastro was the first special case that every monk agreed would have no future as a monk. Alastro was a troublemaker even as a kid. He painted the head priest with buckets of paint so many times that they ended up banning paint as a whole in the temple so that Alastro couldn't use them in his pranks, and that's just one of the things Alastro did to get on the priests' nerves. The decision to send Alastro off-world was unanimous, and the priests gathered as much money as possible to buy the boy a ship. They knew that he just wasn't meant for the life most Mantis lived, and even then they respected that. There IS a reason why the Mantis tend to keep out of wars. After he finally mastered the martial art of his people, Alastro was sent towards the vast galaxy with an elderly mantis, his teacher, as his guide. Once he was pointed in the right direction to become a mercenary, Alastro completed his instruction after he scattered his master's ashes in his first space travel with his mercenary company. Many of his species thought that Alastro would be fine as a mercenary, but they were oh so wrong. They suspected it, but they never though that Alastro actually hater work. He knew that it was necessary, he wasn't stupid, after all, but it was such a drag that he got fired from more than one mercenary company, and, lastly, decided to open up his own business as a bounty hunter, in which he was surprisingly good. To top it off, he could only work when he needed to, so it was definitely the job of his dreams. After he finally settled himself as a recognized, and capable, bounty hunter, Alastro then started accepting mercenary work, IF the pay was good enough, of course. [i][b]"Not everyone can do a job as well as I, can they? You want someone erased from the galaxy or someone watching your back, you got the right guy. As long as you've enough credits, of course."[/b][/i] Alastro is now in need of work again and he's set his sights on Nar Shaddaa. Try and see what kind of oddjob he can get in there. His moral compass isn't so inclined towards good that he wouldn't accept a job from a slaver or even the Children Of The Emperor, so it should be interesting what kinds of crime lords he can see there. ------------------------------- Well, that's pretty much it. Now, I'm gonna go have me some spaghetti and apple salad. :D I'll return in a while to see if it is a 'yay' or a 'nay'.