[url=http://imgur.com/YAPTy3U][img]http://i.imgur.com/YAPTy3U.jpg[/img][/url] [b]name[/b]: David Ron Shepherd [b]gender[/b]: male [b]godly parents:[/b] Ceridwen, Cernunnos [b]sphere of control[/b]: Magic, The Wilderness, Wisdom [b]personality[/b]: David Ron Shepherd is a powerful deity focused on magic and knowledge. The Wilderness is no stranger to this deity. Thus he is constantly studying his books, practicing magical spells, forming alchemy recipes, or spending time with animals. He speaks with animals, or even plants and the wind, if not the earth. However he is not a social pariah, even though he loves the wilderness. David is very young, in fact, only eighteen years old. He is constantly reading books, if not reciting or learning poetry, he is learning something from somewhere. Although he can be very emotional, he can and has throttled bullies and trouble makers to death with his bare hands, sometimes in defense of others, or sometimes if they try to murder, or kill him. [b]sacred animal[/b]: The Stag, The Owl [b]powers[/b]: David is an extremely strong and intelligent wizardly teenager. He's eighteen, but he is immortal and enormously powerful beyond the scope of Humans to understand his powers. He is not as good at illusions as Anatole but he is better at reproducing potions which offer one shot spells. He isn't as strong either but his ability to supernaturally sense certain things in knowledge is even better. [b]weapon(s)[/b]: The Cauldron of Ceridwen. . . Due to possession of the Cauldron, David's supernaturally good alchemy and potion making is better than any other deity's. [b]History[/b]: David was born eighteen years ago. He was a peaceful child who became quite strong at a very early age. In fighting back mildly against some bullies at thirteen, he accidentally killed three boys who were taunting him. Sent to juvenile hall, he was released three years later and learned how to be in society as a gentle soul. However, he eventually went insane with being unable to fight back and ran from home, living as a hermit in the modern world, wandering from place to place. He visited many "parents" bringing happiness to people after staying for three months with each pair, such as curing infertility, extending life spans, curing diseases, or even sharing magical secrets from his talents. Finally, at the age of eighteen he has considered himself independent enough to live his life without parents. [b]other[/b]: