[@Blue Demon] Okay so I've ran through them, though admittedly quickly given it's past new years mark here and I didn't go soft, aha. First thing: Formatting. Just a clear warning for everyone, we insist on simply sticking to our format. We're not neat freaks, but we've had many unpleasant experiences with aesthetics. Not to say yours is bad, but yeah it's a preference we hold dear. Personalities seem fine, the family concept is pretty cool if you want to recycle it. You could maybe develop personality (mindset in combat and so on) and perhaps expand history. We don't mind more detail, and we do read everything in a CS. For jutsu, you can just link canon techniques unless you've tweaked them in some way and it deserves mention. In all this style is fine. C: [@j8cob] Is also a co-GM with myself so if anyone has any questions, all three of us are capable of answering.