"Maybe the reason is that you lack the knowledge and understanding required, David" spoke Claire. Claire and Yuki, the daughters of one of the Muses, stood in their spot. While Yuki seemed normal, Claire showed a very much visible expression of annoyance on her face. She didn't like coming to these things, as she always felt as if her mom was going to show up at any second. Another reason was that the others usually had this air about themselves that just didn't sit right with her. That, and most of the others were well-known for their unpredictability and fighting capabilities. Still, with the ways things were at the moment, even she had to admit that this was something she had to be present for. This other deity, however, did not start this off that well. For Claire, at least. Though he lived among humans like she and her sister had, he still assumed that his greater status would provide an instant-fix for the problem. Claire felt that this was a foolish thought, as not everything mortals do was influenced by them or their parents. Neither were they, as deities, omnipotent or omniscient. Thinking that magic would just do whatever and win out was a stupid idea. "Despite all your time living among humans, you haven't done ANY research on this? It's not as if you made the disease yourself. It's foreign to you, your magic reflects yourself, and if you don't understand the disease, your magic sure as hell isn't going to of anything." "Please, sister, calm yourself" requested Yuki gently. "I know being here makes you uncomfortable, but there's no need to berate anyone."