[@Lmpkio][@Mtntopview][@dirty slime][@Absolis][@supertinyking] Arcadia 1 - Newly constructed Alliance Base. Already in the outskirts of the city, Mithias-Valentus stealthily worked his way deeper toward the base. He had seen aircraft, or what was very likely spacecraft, flying to and from this vicinity, and he was hoping to catch a ride. The ex-vampire pressed himself up against a wall as some storm troopers walked by on patrol. Fortunately, the latent powers that had been unlocked since his most recent 'resurrection' were coming in quite handy, and he was able to distract the troops with a thought. Like a force user, he could manipulate others. It was a gift his former father had possessed and had become terrifyingly expert at. Having seen the results of becoming completely reliant on mind-control, Mithias hesitated to use it, but goddamn it was useful. He didn't have any weapons, nor significant armor. He didn't really need them. Blasters and swords etc just really didn't hold a candle to what he could really do. Mithias was no longer affected by the thirst, so he really had no reason to kill. Seeing an opening, he deftly crossed to the next building. Peering over a shoddy section of fence, he took a look around inside the base. (what the hell is in there?)