[center][b]Starscream:[/b][/center] [@Lmpkio][@Absolis][@Savato] Arrogant fool! Their entire mission centered around secrecy, and yet the one known as Ultron had the gall to break cover over some insignificant quarrel? The intruders were already engaged with the Autobots, so it would have been preferable to simply move on and let their enemies take care of each other. Now the Autobots would likely be tipped off to their plans, and the Decepticon spies (see Soundwave) would find out as well. As the battle progressed, it seemed as though Starscream had gone unnoticed by the two sides. Excellent! Activating his cloak, he jumped down to one of the many lower levels in ruins. The only evidence of his movement was a small plume of dust sent up from his landing, otherwise he was undetectable. After completing his trek, he soon found himself behind the lines of the foreign entities that were confronting Ultron and his pets. However, rather than engage, he simply opted to watch the battle. No sense in involving himself in an issue that wasn't related to him. That and he had no interest in engaging Grimlock in a head on fight. Besides, it seems like the brutes captors had completed some modifications of their own, and he was curious to see the outcome. [center]-----------------------------------[/center] [@Lmpkio][@Absolis][@Savato] [center][b]Grimlock:[/b][/center] Ignoring the Autobots (as they seemed to be willing to do the same for him), Grimlock quickly focused on the tiny bugs that they had come to kill. Apparently they had been aligned themselves with Starscream, meaning their days were numbered as well. Unfortunately for one of them, it had chosen him as it's opponent. Grabbing the tiny drone out of the air, he proceeded to crush it with his bare hands. It was very quick, with little to no challenge. These bugs likely would all be the same, more fodder for him to rip apart. He wouldn't even need his sword this time! It was laughable, not that he ever did that kind of thing. "Weak little things." He muttered more to himself than anyone around him. He was surprised that his new "masters" had decided to even take the time to deal with them. A couple others had attacked him at that time, but their attacks merely bounced off his armor. They too met the fate of the first one he destroyed.