"Oh yeah, God forbid..." Claire paused a moment. She had grown so used to using that phrase around humans that it had slipped out when she was among gods. It was an interesting phrase some used, though when she uses it, it's always just empty words. "Look, dude. I'm not saying that your power sucks, I'm just telling you to think a bit more before assuming that you can overcome this with magic. Besides, my specialty's the Dusk and Music, not magic." Yet another reason why she hated coming to these things. Claire hated talking to them. They're always talking about an important subject, so she can't joke around, and when she tries to make suggestions on how to go about something, they always counter it in a way that makes it seem as if she was deliberately trying to be offensive. The deity she was talking to didn't help matters by stating who his parents were. The subject wasn't about them, it was about what to do with the mortals. Claire would talk about what information they have on the disease in order to properly combat it, rather than state what has been attempted and failed thus far. Yuki saw the the annoyance grow in her half-sister, and spoke before Claire said anything else. "What Claire is trying to say is that she and I both want to help the mortals, but we must be careful with how we go about it. This disease is of their own creation, not any of ours. If we handle this incorrectly, we may end up either not doing anything at all, or even helping the disease rather than stopping it."