Hey! Just thought I'd toss my hat in the ring if you're still accepting. Also, just in case it wasn't obvious, I'm intent on playing my character as a recurring antagonist. [hider][b]Name:[/b] Akaemos Fain (Darth Eternus) [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Chiss [b]Appearance:[/b] Athletically built and wrapped in the ice blue skin tone of his people, Akaemos carries his 6’2 form with a cool confidence. His onyx hair hangs shaggily in front of his hungry red eyes, the only thing which seems to obstruct his piercing scarlet gaze. Akaemos prefers to dress himself in dark black clothes trimmed with red, harkening back to the styles of the Sith Lords of Old. [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m12lv5A7gJ1qguw40o1_500.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Fiercely intelligent and bearing an insatiable appetite for knowledge and the power it provides, in another time Akemos might have been a renowned scholar or humble librarian. However, in this time of resounding conflict, this Chiss has chosen to use his ravenous hunger to heed the call of the Force, the call of the Dark Side. Akaemos bears the burden of being dangerously curious, a trait which has granted as many boons as banes for the would-be Sith Lord. When presented with something new or different, Akaemos’ first reaction is almost always to analyze the phenomena from all angles. While useful, this action can lead the Chiss to error when surprised or ambushed. Akaemos carries himself with a charismatic confidence, preferring to manipulate and inspire others rather than intimidate and degrade. Ever-assured in his learning, the Chiss considers his perspective superior to all others, and delights in poking holes in other philosophies. Especially the Jedi Code. Infuriatingly clever, a relentless opponent, and confident to the point of arrogance, Akaemos strives to institute himself as a true Sith Lord by any means necessary. [b]Profession:[/b] Archaeologist/Dark Jedi [b]Skills:[/b] Due to his devotion to studying the mysteries of the Force, Akaemos has lessened his focus on more physical aspects of combat. He has a solid understanding of Form VI: Niman, but would soon find himself outclassed by a skilled duelist or physical combatant. The Chiss is extremely knowledgeable about a wide swath of subjects, ranging from xenobiology to archaeology, and finds the pursuit of knowledge extremely enticing. He has only begun to dabble in Sith alchemy, but is showing great promise in the field. [b]Abilities:[/b] Akaemos is an extremely talented Force user. He carries within him a raw power for manipulating the Force, capable of such techniques as Force Push, Pull, Throw, Leap, Choke, Lightning, Persuade, and so on. With enough time and study, Akaemos might be able to rival the power of Sith Lords like Darth Plaguis or Darth Bane. [b]Equipment:[/b] Akaemos owns a dark orange lightsaber of ancient, if out-dated, design. It truly is an elegant weapon from a far more civilized age, its hilt bearing an ornate black and silver design. He also owns an old and battered Sith mask he found early in his archaeological career. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Born to parents of moderate wealth in the Outer Rim territories, Akaemos knew an easy life growing up. His aptitude for the academic had shown itself earlier in his life, and he breezed through his classes at an alarmingly quick rate. Enrolling in advanced studies at his planet’s premier institute, Akaemos quickly found himself bored by the trite and routine studies that his teachers insisted were necessary to his success. At the age of sixteen, the Chiss decided to abandon the traditional learning routine in favor of more autodidactic methods. Leaving his home world with nothing but his name and the clothes on his back, Akaemos lent his intellect to whomever would have him. As it would happen, The Imperial Remnant took especial interest in the young Chiss. Offering their still rather sizable resources and the chance for upward mobility within the Imperial Meritocracy, Akaemos enlisted into the Imperial Reclamation Service as a Xenoarchaelogist. He found great joy in unearthing the ancient artifacts, and by unearthing dark secrets from ages long past Akaemos ascended rapidly through the IRS’ ranks. However, his life would forever be changed on the planet Kesh. Under what seemed like a whim at the time, Akaemos managed to put pressure on the leaders of IRS to send an expeditionary force to the Takara Mountains on Kesh. Cashing in every favor and dirty trick he had in his arsenal, Akaemos finally received permission to begin a dig in the mountains. After months of searching, the Chiss officer found what he was looking for. A massive temple with towers that seemed to pierce the heavens above sprawled out before him, and he heard the ruins call him forth. Its siren song sang sweetly to him, but only him. His fellows were unwilling to approach the place which rang with Dark Side energy, and so it was Akaemos alone who entered the temple. It was here, among the ruins of and tomes of this temple that the Chiss received the truth of his existence. It was here where he began his inititian into the force. Where he learned of the Sith Lords of old and their shadowy arts. Where Akaemos Fain died, and Darth Eternus was born. [/hider]