Cia looked around nervously as the other gods argued. She wanted to help the humans with all her will but she didn't like getting the middle of arguments like this. And then the one who most of the Gods had a distaste for came into the room. Cythlla as always had to make an interesting entrance. She entered the room in a bit of violent manner as a group of tentacles appeared then receded back into the floor revealing Cythlla with a green glow emiting from the ground during the whole thing. "I don't think we should help the humans. They can figure this out for themselves. They made this mess afterall, they should be the ones to clean it up." Cythlla said to the other gods after her entrance had gotten the attention of everyone. "So don't even bother with that cure of yours, your just wasteing your own time and resources. I say leave them." Cythlla said repeating her idea of leaving the humans alone. Some of the other merged gods in the room had agreed with her. If the others really wanted to help the humans they would need to do something about convincing those set in the old ways. And Cythlla was certianly not helping. Cia was just too shy at this point to say anything, all she was there for was to keep a portal open showing the pictures of these creatures, most would call them zombies, and they were biological. Magic never mixed with science, in fact Magic could do nothing against science.