"Our..kingdom?" She repeated back to him. Whatever would she need a kingdom for? And weren't kingdoms normally given to next of kin? She wasn't even sure where she was let alone how anything in this strange place could be called her own. She turned to face him then, armed with a barrage of questions ready to fire off, but he'd sunk into the bed rather comfortably by then, and instead she found herself tracing the features of his resting face with her eyes. If she could focus on that she could ignore the panic in her chest. She was so desperate to leave the school she hadn't cared before where they went at the time. Now, finally free, she couldn't help but long for home. Neven on the other hand seemed so very content with it all. Since their first dance and up until now, Penelope found herself leeching from the peace he always seemed to be at. His calmness eased her nerves and urged her to play along a bit longer.