[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/62/05/af/6205af0e0f6865bd00be97cca8658836.jpg[/img] [b]name[/b]: Landon Crane [b]gender[/b]: male [b]godly parents:[/b] Aisoyimstan, Mahina [b]sphere of control[/b]: Cold, Darkness [b]personality[/b]: Landon's powers are very powerful, but unfortunately unreliable for himself. Having such an expanse of powers that couldn't be used for himslf have put him in a confusing position. He would use his powers to help himself and others as he sees fit, but due to his mother they tend to only want to respond to others needs of them. Feeling like he was destined to be used and controlled has given him a bitterness against everyone, but as fighting them is completely useless he tends to just go along with the flow. He is very smart and wise, but often dark in his thoughts as he cares for no one. He can still be jovial and witty once he opens up, but that's just him suppressing his bitterness. [b]sacred animal[/b]: Walrus [b]powers[/b]: Landon has very strong control and manipulation of both cold/ice and shadows/darkness. Unfortunately the full strength of these powers can only be brought out at other's request. Few know this and Landon doesn't like to tell anyone feeling he'll just be a tool for their use afterwards. [b]weapon(s)[/b]: Landon makes due with the various weapons he constructs on the fly. Spears are a favorite projectile and Swords are favored in melee situations. [b]History[/b]: Landon is currently twenty-seven, and grew up with a foster family in Washington. He found out about his powers at a young age and tried training them on his own. Not having anything to compare his powers with, he was content with the growth in his powers. That is until he met a demi-god that threatened his siblings on the way home from school. He realized he was still very weak as he couldn't do anything to save his brother, but he found a surge in power as his sister cried for help from him. He tore the man apart and saved his sister with his new found power. Afterwards he tried to find that same power and became frustrated as he found he couldn't. One day he met his wandering father by chance and learned of what his mother did to him. Having lost her love, she "cursed" him with the need to help others, stunting his powers until someone unlocks them. [b]other[/b]: