[@Gummi Bunnies][@The_written_John] [h2][b][center]Team Ryu[/center][/b][/h2] Whatever was going on, Ryu knew that they need to go, fearing that whatever was going on could possibly head towards their location. "We need to move NOW." he orders as he opens the door on out, waiting for everyone else to follow his lead. Now they desperately need to find the other group and ultimately regroup with them. [hr] [@Mtntopview][@Savato] [center][h2][b]Ultron[/b][/h2][/center] "[color=00a651][i]Getting touchy so early, Ultron? You should buy me dinner first. But I hope you don't mind if I feast on you instead.[/i][/color]" Indeed, in the same time he imposed his hand on he throat, her Kagune immediately sprang out of her and impaled his more exposed abdomen at a speed that likely even surpassed Ultron's initiative. He tried to start burn her throat while he had a massive appendage piercing him, disconnecting many, many wires to his lower part. The thing was that her Kagune's form was so versatile, she could just make it grow like weedy vines on a tree. In mere seconds a lot of his abdomen was compromised and malfunctioning, but the worst would likely be the many mouths formed on the Kagune, gnawing in his metallic insides and swiftly ripping him apart. She wouldn't consume metal, of course, but she could simply shit it out of her Kagune elsewhere. They were mouths meant to easily chew out Ghoul flesh, as such biting off metal like that felt like the routine. With that horrid distraction to keep Ultron struck and bothered, she'd place one of her very free hands on his heated forearm, letting it burn her flesh, but it never weakened her steel grip on it. And immediately after, her send hand with fingers flattened would simply pierce through the exposed joint of his arm, another technique Ghouls used often to pierce each other effortlessly if the Kagune wasn't adapted. Though to Ultron's credit, his robustness would not allow to have the entire arm severed, hence why she'd have to tug on it with her burning hand to rip it right off and free herself. "[color=00a651][i]Teehee, got your ... Arm? Eh, guess you pulled a Voldemort on me there.[/i][/color]" Ultron growls as he feels the kagune gnawing at where an abdomen would be as well as the arm that had just been severed. He should've known this was coming, after all she was a dangerous Ghoul after all. He forgot that close quarters was her specialty, so he needs to fight her at long range. Yet even with that arm of his severed, he can still fight pretty hard. He quickly looks around to see his forces getting destroyed by Cyano and Grimlock. With an internal command, the bots began to hold their position and the Hulkbuster-units began to fire everything they got at them. In addition, Ultron sends help towards several "Veronica" units, which are repair vehicles that also provide materials for the Hulkbusters' creation. They were up high in the sky, too far for any other the enemy units to see or reach. They can provide him a new arm thats for sure, and even a new... body. As he pulls the abdomen out of his body, he looks towards Eto with anger and disgust. As that new arm of his is constructed, he needs to make do with what he has. He first begins to levitate some debris form the ground and toppled buildings as he throws them at Eto. However, this was nothing more then a distraction as he quickly fires several surprise concussion beams to throw her off. Even some of the nearby Ultron units and two hulkbusters fired behind Eto, also providing a distraction and biding more time for Ultron's new arm to be constructed... [hr] [@Mtntopview][@dirty slime][@Absolis][@supertinyking] [center][h2][color=ed1c24][b]Alliance Of Conquerers - Arcadia-1[/b][/color][/h2][/center] Meanwhile, the base was nearly complete in just a short span of time. It was heavily high tech, with large corridors and rooms. It was around three stories high, filled with rooms one would see at an actual base. Training grounds, a large mess hall, quarters which happen to be underground, ammo and resource vaults, prison blocks, hanger bays, private portal bays, you name it. It also has a large defensive wall covering it, with turrets on every corner. And now it was coming to ultimate completion, mostly thanks to a device that they had to hasten up construction process by 200%. [i]"This, is a bit of the fleet.[/i] Keith remarks to Ghidorah-San in the hanger bay, [i]"There aren't many of them here. But I assure you, each pilot could outfly anything you have, and each and every one of them could out flight anything short of a large army. Even your Starkiller's troops would find themselves having trouble with just these twenty five"[/i] [b]"I will like to think differently."[/b] the sith lord remarks as he comes in, [b]"The Empire is loaded with highly trained pilots and gunners. They will ultimately destroy just a measly twenty five fighters, no matter how good they really are. Even if my troops fail to aquire destruction on them, they are no match for the power of the force."[/b] [b][color=fff200]"Calm your respirator lord Starkiller."[/color][/b] Ghidorah-San would then speak up, [b][color=fff200]"They will prove their worth in future battles at hand. Then we will see if they really fit in as excellent fighters or not."[/color][/b] Eventually, Ghidorah happens to see Gigan returning back to base, along with several... other people. She turns around, signalling her hand for Keith to hold as she looks at him and what he brought. [b][i][color=fff200]"Well well."[/color][/i][/b] she says, [b][i][color=fff200]"What do we have here?"[/color][/i][/b] Meanwhile, Satsuki was on patrol near where Mattias hid... he better be careful. [hr] [@dirty slime] [center][h2][b]Gojira-San[/b][/h2][/center] A trick! A roar of slight pain and anger rages through her as she holds her right side of her face. She can feel the stinging and burning of the heat popping her skin, with smoke steaming out. However, her regenerative abilities got to work quickly, already repairing the damage that was inflicted. She then gets suddenly gored by his horn as she falls to the ground. She should've known that he was an expert at foul tricks. As she tries to get up, it appears that Megalon follows up by leaping into the air and then diving towards his killer drills-first in an attempt to eviscerate her. Only for that to fail MISERABLY as a green tendril knocks the Beetle "God" into a building... [hr] [@dirty slime] [center][h2][color=1a7b30][b]Biollante-San[/b][/color][/h2][/center] It appears that Biollante-San has followed the orders of Bambi. Having transformed 16 feet in height and her dress already having several alive venus-flytrap heads, it was the tallest kaiju/kaiju-hybrid in the battle. Her tendrils sway in the wind as she looks with a determined fighting face. She looked much different then when she was in her usual calm state. Gojira-San couldn't believe her eyes! An enemy of her battling WITH her? It felt quite weird. [b]"B-Biollante-San?"[/b] she asks as she gets up. Yet Biollante says nothing. She continues to look at where Megalon would fall as her tendril continue rattling around her, ready to take a bite out of Megalon. The lizard kaiju-hybrid can only do nothing more but look back at him, preparing to figure out what's going to happen now...