[@Lmpkio] [@dirty slime] "What your monster has captured here....is your only chance for salvation...." The demon ape speaks, with some rather impressive gull. "....I am your first contact with Lanka, the greatest of empires, and your rightful rulers, by force....Your monster attacked, and killed some of my sisters...I do hope you discipline him for such an action..." She growls, looking back at Gigan. The blood dripping from his scythes still filled the ape woman with rage....but she calmed herself, taking in a deep breath, and holding it. ".....My name, is Dernla [Dern-La]....and I request audience with your leaders..." Very, very bold. It was if the fear this woman had felt moments before with Gigan was gone, her faith re-enforced by something...Gigan also still has the nagging feeling of being watched by, something. Not as in there was another spy, but if..there was an eye in the sky, watching.