[hider=Winston Munroe] Name: Winston Munroe Appearance: [hider='No termination date.'] [img]http://cdn.collider.com/wp-content/uploads/blade-runner-image-harrison-ford.jpg[/img] [/hider]Age: 36 Sex: [s]Yes please[/s] Male Power: N/A Short bio: Winston was born and raised in the slums of Chicago. His father, who was involved in the mob, was shot dead in a shoot-out when Winston was 14, and Winston's mother remarried. Her new husband hated Winston, and, to please him, Winston's mother kicked Winston out when he was 17. After being homeless for a year, Winston got a cheap apartment and joined the police force. Due to his brutal idea of enforcing the law, which involved beating criminals senseless, Winston was fired when he was 31. It was around this time that he heard about the star children, and how bounty hunters were capturing them and giving them to the government. Winston got some guns and became a bounty hunter, becoming famous for his [url=http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/akf1t5vlii5bcxasw8cs.jpg]trademark pistol[/url]. [/hider]