The woman, still unconscious, suddenly began to glow white and defuse, the two kids returning to their original forms. Conner was the first to awaken, albeit a bit groggy from the tranquilizer. He took a moment to recover, then looked around to determine where they are. His memories came back to him, and Conner realized that their worst fears had come true. Conner wasted no further time by heading over to the door, and quickly determined that there was no way to open it from the inside. They were trapped. Conner then went back fit he spot where he woke up, still thinking about their situation. Conner looked down at Kimberly and began to wake her, but hesitated before he even touched her. He didn't want her to see that they had failed to escape. However, Conner resolved himself and shook Kimberly in an attempt to wake her up. He reasoned that she would eventually see it anyway, and they might as well make the best use of their time. Kimberly soon awoke, also groggy, and lazily looked up and Conner. Pushing herself up, she slowly asked, "[color=ed1c24]Conner... what's going on?[/color]" Conner bore a sorrowful expression as he said, "[color=00aeef]Kimberly... I'm sorry.[/color]" Kimberly began to look around, noting their surroundings, then her eyes widened in shock as she recalled the events that led up to this moment, and she began to look around more frantically before returning her gaze onto Conner. "[color=ed1c24]W-w-where are we? Is this...[/color]" Kimberly whispered, her fear rising. Conner merely nodded and continued, "[color=00aeef]We got caught, it seems.[/color]" Kimberly looked away from Conner to stare into space, then curled into a ball, clutching her legs and her head resting on her knees. "[color=ed1c24]No... no... please, no...[/color]" Kimberly whispered to herself, tears flowing from her eyes and her entire body shaking. Conner hugged her tightly, trying to comfort her as best he could. He desperately wanted to say things like how everything would be alright or how they would escape no matter what, but he held his tongue back on that. He had no intention on making promises he couldn't keep. Instead, what he said was, "[color=00aeef]Kimberly, I know how you feel, but we can't just feel sorry for ourselves. We'll need to work for our freedom if we want to escape.[/color]" Kimberly did not move from her position, only sobbing gently every now and again. Meanwhile, Conner took the time to make a second observation of the room, noting how surprisingly comfortable it was. Before he could think about it further, the door to the room opened, and a surprisingly young-looking guy with armed guards entered. Conner was not swayed by his friendly expression, but decided that it was better to comply for now. "[color=00aeef]Come on, Kimberly,[/color]" Conner said to her, who slowly got up and began to walk with her head down. Conner kept an arm wrapped around her, guiding her to where they had to go. When they arrived, Conner was rather surprised to see just how... normal everything seemed. He expected some sort of torture device or lab equipment, but there were just chairs. The person at the front of the room also looked surprisingly friendly, though Conner still didn't trust any of it. Then came the lengthy explanation about the aliens called "L'mina", their practice of "paracannibalism", and the existence of everyone's powers. Kimberly raised her head as she listened, gaining the hope that they were not in fact here to be experimented on. Conner had to admit, the drider-like creature was definitely something that looked like it never originated from Earth, and the story almost sounded crazy enough to be true, but Conner still had questions to ask. "[color=00aeef]Your appearance is shocking, sure, but not exactly definitive proof that your story is true,[/color]" Conner stated. "[color=00aeef]Why should we trust you at all, especially after you kidnapped us and everything?[/color]"