[center][h3]Five Crazed Soldiers[/h3][/center] [center][b]Location: Armory[/b][/center] The squad of crazed soldiers didn't slow their pace, nor did they give a thought to tactical doctrine. They had rushed down the corridors, their broken minds still possessing intimate knowledge of the Rig's layout. They knew they had survivors in the armoury, and judging by the explosion that just rocked through the structure, they knew they were missing out on the fun! The squad reached the T-Section, and bounded right; the armory was ahead, smoke billowing from the open door. They cheered and laughed, and started running forwards, firing their rifles sporadically. Bullets pinged off the metal work, ricocheting from the walls. [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Y6tHX9N.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Jamie Alycia Reyes[/b][/center] [center][b]Location: Armory[/b][/center] Jamie had finished loading her rifle, and securing a bunch of magazines to the equipment belt of her body armor. She'd also found herself some grenades, and hooked them to her chest. There were plenty of other guns and awesome looking hardware in the armory, but she had no idea how any of it worked, so she decided to stick with the one that had served her well so far. Then sound of boots on metal startled her, and she threw herself behind the counter, grabbing Kahleen. "I'm not going anywhere until we've killed these sons of bitches, I'm sick of running," she hissed, poising her rifle over the top of the counter and looking down its sights. "Kal, shoot anything that moves." A group of marines turned the corner ahead, and started running and firing. Jamie depressed the trigger of her rifle, sending bullets towards the direction of their attackers. Two of the marines fell, their bodies protecting those behind from Jamie's shooting. Rifles clattered, and Jamie was forced to duck for cover as bullets tore into the metal counter.