[center] [color=00aeef][h3]Lillian Johnson School parking lot/Dorm 1403[/h3][/color][/center] Lillian stepped out of her father's dark blue car, a couple of books held to her chest with her left arm. Cheers and yells from other college students echoed through the carpark. Lillian usually knew better than to turn up so late but, with her luck, they got stuck in traffic. Michael, the family's butler, took to opening the car boot as Lillian had got out of the car before he. "Your father did want to come Lillian he just..." [Color=00aeef]"I know, he's busy,"[/color] she intervenes [color=00aeef]"I'm used to it,"[/color] she says with a smile as the old butler lifts her large purple suitcase from the car's boot. "Would you like me to take it your room?" [color=00aeef]"No, I'm fine, thank you. Bye Michael, I'll see you in the Summer"[/color] and with that Lillian drags her case through the oh-so-familiar school grounds, tripping over a bit of concrete path hidden under the thick winter snow before straightening her posture and continuing onward to the dorms. Not much had change in the years. To the left sat the Performing arts centre in pristine condition, as usual. Lilian watched it for a while before tripping over her feet again, dropping her books. [color=00aeef]"Damn," [/color]she mutters to herself looking around at the few snickering faces of a couple of college students, maybe a senior high school student or 2, before lifting her books and holding them close to her chest once again with her free hand. She hums sweetly to herself, no song in particular, as she wanders to the dorm building. Her mind races as she thinks of the large library that made residence in the education area. "I take the elevator alone," came the voice, Lettie, warning the younger kids, yet again, who to fear. Lettie couldn't be all bad, right? Well, at least, that's what Lillian wanted to believe. She watched a couple of younger kids squirm as she approached the elevator, most likely expecting her to do something similar but Lillian just expelled a slight chuckle, waving them on the next elevator and taking the one after it to the 14th floor. Wandering the corridors felt odd without Sam by her side. He was her only close friend but career opportunities took him to new places, the pair were still quite close but that didn't kill the odd feeling of not hearing his footsteps next to hers. Neither of the two felt anything more than the love supplied with friendship for one another, however that never stopped the rumours. Finally reaching room 03 Lillian slipped her key into her dorm's lock. The room was just how she left it, tidy. The double bed sat to the right, neatly made with her blue and gold blanket folded neatly at the end of the bed. Her mahogany desk sat on the left of the room, her stationery placed neatly to the side, last year's textbooks neatly stacked to the other. A small bookshelf sat in front of the bed near the door. 2 parts of the shelf holding books and the other 2 empty, awaiting folders and papers from her classes. She knew it wouldn't be long before her room didn't look so clean but at least it was nice to come back to a clean room. The smal white fridge sat in the farthest corner, next to her desk, a kettle, a couple of mugs and a box of teabags placed on top. She put her books on her bed, pushing a lock of hair that had come loose from her messy ponytail behind her ear and was just about to unzip her suitcase before the intercom turned on giving the same message every year, for all students to meet at the hall for the start of year speech. With a groan Lillian exits her room, shutting the door behind her before joining the group of kids, teens and young adults walking to the elevator.