[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=XYRX%20DRA%27UL&name=Final%20Frontier%20Old%20Style.ttf&size=100&style_color=FFA200[/img] [img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/4378bf8783137628d7a8c92dcc303039/tumblr_msiwioEKAO1sbavuuo1_500.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [color=FFA200][b]Name:[/b][/color] [i]Xyrx Dra’ul (zi-rix dray-uul)[/i] [color=FFA200][b]Age:[/b][/color] [i]41[/i] [color=FFA200][b]Rank/Position:[/b][/color] [i]Chief Engineer[/i] [color=FFA200][b]Race:[/b][/color] [i]Thelgoran; a race of tall, white-skinned aliens that reside on the planet Thelgora. Despite their tall height, and overall intimidating looks, they are most known for their gifted intelligence. Their pure turquoise eyes allow them to see in the dark, and they are incredibly agile runners & strategic planners.[/i] [color=FFA200][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [i]Like all other Thelgorans, Xyrx stands tall, towering above others at 6’3”, and has bright, turquoise eyes. His white skin is broken up by almost tribal-like black patterns that run down his back and arms, snaking around his torso and legs, also. He has slightly less-average muscle tone and strength than most over Thalgorans, but they could not be more suited for his job.[/i] [color=FFA200][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [i]Unlike other aliens on board the Orion, Xyrx is caring and sensitive, and takes great enjoyment in human activities and customs. He has a surprisingly good sense of humour, and you can be sure to expect a good laugh or two with him. Despite his friendly and social nature, however, Xyrx also knows when to stop joking about and start doing his job. This doesn’t mean he won’t have a good chat whilst he’s doing it, though.[/i] [color=FFA200][b]History:[/b][/color] [i]Xyrx Dra’ul was born in 2333 on the planet Thelgora. At that point, the Federation were almost friends with the planet, and helping them to get back on their feet and the like after the planet was attacked by the Borg, and nearly ripped apart. It wasn’t an easy start for Xyrx, with the toils of war lingering in the atmosphere, but Thelgora was determined to persevere and rebuild. And, when Xyrx was 3, they finally managed to. With an everlasting gratefulness for the Federation, some Thelgorans began to take up working on Federation ships. One of whom, was Xyrx’s mother. She pursued the scientific route herself, working on around four or five ships as Chief Sciences Officer, and even a nurse at one point. However, when Xyrx was 23, she was unfortunately killed when the ship she was working on was attacked. Determined to make her proud, Xyrx began studying all things engineering, whereas his father ran for Senator. The Thalgoran’s pursuits continued until he was 31, when he started work as an engineer. He continued on the same ship for a couple of years, before working on two more ships. He was then appointed as Chief Engineer on the USS Orion.[/i] [color=FFA200][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [i]Xyrx brings a multitude of skills to the USS Orion and its crew. - Firstly, his strength may not be average for a Thelgoran, but it is perfect for him, and allows him to perform heavy repairs with ease. - The fact he can see in the dark means he can get deep in with repairs without needing an extra light to see. - His intelligence and strategic thinking lets him think his way out of any situation, and solve any problem. - Xyrx is caring and humourous, and brings a beaming aura of positivity anywhere he goes. He often boosts people’s self esteem, too.[/i] [color=FFA200][b]Other:[/b][/color] [i]He’s incredibly good at singing, surprisingly.[/i] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_c4cCle9CdvWkGFWbpWWhwN4OvWJR7xMyQoNiIamyjI/edit?usp=sharing][b]Sample Post[/b][/url] [sup][color=FFA200][b](^ click ^)[/b][/color][/sup][/center]