Jera barked a laugh at Cia's response before she could control herself. "Mortals don't believe in us! And if they did, it would be in the same way they believe in their friends or loved ones!" she waved around the room, "When was the last time anyone here heard of the mortals teaching about [i]any[/i] of us in their schools? I mean, really? Has anyone heard of Claire, Goddess of Dubstep? Or Yuki, the Godddess of Popping and Locking? How about Jera or Reese, Gods of War?" She nodded towards Ox and smirked, "Or Occus, Patron God of the Young Adult section of Barnes and Noble? Face it, if the only reason we're doing this is for worshipers, I say give up now! The mortal world has never believed [i]less[/i] in gods than they do today! They know more about our parents than they do us!" Jera took a breath to compose herself. Her cynicism tended to show when she became aggravated and being stuck in a room full of merged wasn't helping her mood. She gave in and pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Look, whether you all want to help the mortals or not doesn't matter to me. I'll be going down there no matter what. The way I see it, any fight's a good fight and these undead will probably take a little more effort than the average mortal. And if this nonsense really does get out of control, [i]someone[/i] has to make some effort to fight off Armageddon." She said, bitterly. The fact that the old gods had been subdued by the Merged still left a foul taste in her mouth and, truth be told, she had her own personal interests to protect in the mortal world, but no one there needed to know that. [@PerseusArchean][@OtomostheCrazy][@Slendy][@Cuccoruler]