[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/plA6MBR.png?1[/img][b][color=7bcdc8][h3]Venwyn Ael[/h3][/color][/b][/center][hr][h3][b]That's Some Pretty Dark Magic, Venwyn.[/b][/h3][hr] Venwyn watched as the events unfolded before him. Snipes Crosshair was the name of the instructor, and Venwyn could already draw parallels between Snipes and Transformer - namely their ability to speak in extremely loud volumes. This one was slightly more tolerable though, speaking in loud volumes, but in short bursts that Venwyn could predict and "prepare" for... n-not that he was ever unprepared, of course. Unsurprisingly, Venwyn was able to stand motionlessly through essentially everything that took place outside of the Action Duel Arena: the arrival of the rest of the students, the various conversations taking place between said students, and a long-winded rant of sorts as to why a particular student seemed to abhor Action Duels (and was subsequently punished with a paper fan [i]for[/i] said rant). It was probably one of the catalysts that had led for the teacher to start talking about his Five Rules to Dueling™. Venwyn took this opportunity to consider exactly what he knew about Action Duels. As one could imagine, Venwyn was not particularly interested in Action Dueling either - the idea of entertaining an audience was something he was just apathetic to, although it wasn't that he detested it, it just simply wasn't in his interests to participate in much other than Standard Dueling and its slight variations (although even those he would approach with slight reluctance). Still, while Action Dueling wasn't something he was interested in in a practical sense, he was still inclined to learn about it simply because it could prove to be useful—like that Fusion Summoning class. Needless to say, he wasn't one to volunteer when the teacher had asked, and simply waited in silence for someone else to be picked. There were a large amount of volunteers - including two of his clan members, who were clearly more interested in the practical learning of Action Duels than he was. However, they weren't chosen for this Action Duel. Such is the way of fate. Venwyn had been fairly "slow" on the draw today, he believed. One would expect him to be first to attend—well—anything, and yet for whatever reason he had only been one of the "early ones" rather than the first. This time however, would be different. As Snipes yelled about who would be participating in the Action Duel and why, Venwyn began to do complex and unusual hand seals, and with each one, a rune sharing the same [color=7bcdc8][b]colour[/b][/color] would appear, up until there were six runes arranged in a small circular pattern around him. As soon as this pattern had been created, a black pit formed inside of the circle underneath him, and he dropped in. What a spectacle that was. The same black pit appeared in one of the front row seats of the Action Duel Arena, and from it Venwyn rose. Not the first to make the mad dash to the audience seats, but needless to say, he [i]was[/i] the first person to arrive. That newfangled ninja magic had won again. (Ninjas: 1 Normies: 0) Aside from wanting to learn about Action Dueling some more, there was another reason why Action Duels held relevance to Venwyn. The cards. Action Duels had cards which were exclusive to them. They couldn't be found in Standard Dueling. Even so, Venwyn was a Card Archiver, and putting these cards to memory (despite the fact that they were simply constructs of Solid Vision with Mass effect) was something that he "had a duty" to do. [color=7bcdc8]"I want those cards."[/color] The ninja said out loud to himself, solemnly aware that it was impossible to get them. Hell, that was one of the [i]only[/i] things he'd said today.