[center] [color=gold] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m17p4tKUBL1r99f4t.gif[/img] "Knowledge is what people die for. The mortals fought wars over knowledge and they won those same wars with knowledge. So do think twice before you underestimate me." Galahad Cross Male godly parents:Athena the Greek Goddess of Wisdom and War and Lir, the Irish God of the Sea. sphere of control: Knowledge and Water personality: Galahad is cocky, arrogant god who values intelligence above everything, much like his mother. He takes any insult rather personally and is quick to anger, much like the sea. Despite his temper, he is friendly and playful, a jokester all the way. He enjoys consorting with mortals, and can often be found running around on Earth, in a public library helping to tutor those who need it, or maybe out on the sea. sacred animal: Otter powers: Galahad has the ability to implant knowledge into anyone's head, as well as take knowledge away, although this is much harder to do with gods. He can also control water and use it as a weapon. weapon(s): A sword that looks to be made from water. This is the weapon he used to defeat both his parents. He has named it, Aequor. [hider=Aequor] [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/d8d7/f/2007/006/8/8/water_sword_by_pyrohmstr.jpg[/img] [/hider] History: Galahad's early godhood could not have been happier. His parents loved him, and each other. His father taught him to control the waves, and his mother taught him how to read, and to hold a sword. He could always be found in the Olympian Library, reading or running through the bookshelves, waving around a gilded sword. When the other Merged gods rose up against their parents, Galahad hesitated. He had no reason to fight his parents, and no desire to. The others convinced him to join the fighting, although some still refer to him as the God of Waiting, and after a lengthy battle with his mother, one that tested both his sword skills and his wits, he confronted his father. His father fought harder than Galahad had expected, and he was forced to kill him, an action that still haunts him to this day. [/color] [/center]