Aundair looked up as the man set himself down next to him and ordered him a drink. "Mostly the explosion and the carnage. It's not looking too well for the populace. Some strange psychotic murderer slaughtering civilians whilst claiming to be fighting for the good of the commonwealth. Ridiculous." He drank deeply and then continued his rant. "And what was with those claws? Fancy and unnecessary. But it also is a good hint as to narrowing down who it is. Who could afford such a strange contraption suggests that it isn't a poor man, but his willingness to kill technocrats suggests that either he used to be or his family is a peasant." Aundair knocked back the last of his drink and waved his hand to order another. He then looked back at Samuel. "Well, needless to say I've been thinking too much and I do believe that it's time to get drunk." he picked up the tumbler that was set in front of him and filled it with whiskey. "Are you going to join me?"