Jera glanced at Anatole incredulously. "Have we been observing the same mortals? Why in all the worlds do the mortals need to know about us? They exist in a world where they've convinced themselves there is no magic beyond science they are yet to understand and have [i]still[/i] somehow managed to raise the dead! If we revealed ourselves to them then the best we could hope for is that they would use all we taught them to fight each other over which of us is the "true" god!" She shook her head. "I'm in favor of battle, but I can tell you from experience that battle with no end is tiresome and monotonous. And then there's the worst case scenario; They classify us as a genetic abnormality, the next stage of mortal 'evolution' and study us in the hopes of attaining immortality and godhood themselves! Is that what you want, a world full of billions of bickering gods?" It was then that Ox finally decided to speak his mind, calling one of his followers into the room to spread the message of the undead plague before taking his own jab at the group that made Jera smile sardonically. "Well if we remind you of our parents so much, maybe you should kill or enslave us. Or are you waiting for your children to return the favor one day? I do so love how you surround yourself with mortal youth, Ox, yet have learned nothing from them. Tell us, how many mortals have you encountered who slaughter or subjugate those who came before them? I think it would certainly make American inheritance laws quite interesting!" But he'd already disappeared, much to her chagrin. Finally, turning to Landon, Jera gave a resigned shrug. "Whatever motivates you. Believing in you can't be worse than what some of those witch doctors have been filling their heads with. If you want flashy though, I'd take advantage of their ability to broadcast events live across the planet." [@rechonq][@PerseusArchean][@ActRaiserTheReturned]