[b]Name:[/b] Aforgomon, the Dimensional Shambler [b]Gender:[/b] Useless [b]Progenitors:[/b] Yog-Sothoth and Aphrodite [b]Sphere of Control:[/b] Space, expedition, dreams, insight [b]Personality:[/b] Simply put, Aforgomon is beyond human. Nevertheless, remotely human qualities can be observed from it. Aforgomon is curious, always eager for new and interesting knowledge, and to experience new things. It allocates no care whatsoever to the feelings or judgments of mortals or gods, except to take delight in shock, disgust, and horror. However, Aforgomon is subtle and passive, not eager to fight, and less eager to obey others. Normal godly concepts like worship, pride, and sovereignty do not interest it. It is unpredictable, capable of inventing new rules or disregarding old ones on a whim; perhaps its inner workings are merely beyond even divine comprehension. However, it does seem to be driven to observe the dreams of different people and gods, and to devour them. [b]Sacred Animal:[/b] Slug [b]Powers:[/b] Aforgomon displays a unique form of dimensional incongruity. It exists on multiple dimensions simultaneously, never culminating its full presence in a single one. When only a small amount of its presence is devoted to a dimension, only parts of its body appear, and in the form of warped, brilliant light. More solidified presence appears from tears of light hanging in the air that act as crude portals. Aforgomon can open portals of light anywhere in its vicinity, that transport whatever enters them from any angle smoothly into a dimension of its choice. As long as a single light tear exists in an area, Aforgomon can sense everything within it. Aforgomon wanders between the infinite dimensions, exploring and gaining knowledge that reflects upon dimensions like this one. It can bring things from other dimensions as well, including monsters and even alternate versions of existing creatures. In short, it can teleport, fade in and out, and summon creatures to fight for it. To normal people, Aforgomon is totally invisible, but through madness one can capture a glimpse of its true visage. However, Aforgomon's choice of taking parts of others into dimensions can also apply to the spirit. It can sever a being's mind from its body with a light tear and place it in another place or dimension as a dream. Though Aforgomon whispers in an unknown, alien language of the cosmos, these whispers are remarkably persuasive. Rather than speaking, if it even could, Aforgomon seeds grains of knowledge into the minds of others, even gods, so that they intuit what it wants to communicate. One final cast of abilities is Aforgomon's affinity for dreams. It eats dreams, particularly nightmares, to gain more insight and make itself more powerful. Even the dreams of other gods can be consumed, taking the form of a prismatic paste, and Aforgomon can regurgitate this insight to craft elements of the eaten dreams from light, effectively turning imagination into reality. [b]History:[/b] [hider=A Hint of the Cosmos]The merging of worldly pantheons, each of them sporting unique stories of lust of their own, spawned a smorgasbord of new desires among the ranks of the divine. Most busy, naturally, were the cultures' various gods of love: Xochiquetzal, Astarte, Parvati, Hathor, Ishtar, Freya, and of course, Aphrodite. However, the concentration of godly power formed by the merging did not confine itself to the lands and seas of earth; it radiated past the clouds as a call beyond, beckoning certain other gods to unity. Jealous, perhaps, of the new, single pantheon whose gods now imagined themselves the greatest beings in existence, the other gods came. Unfaithful to her homely husband Hephaestus as always, Aphrodite chose on the night of the summoner solstice to escape with her lover to a quiet, green hillside on earth. Afterward, however, when she looked skyward, she could imagine against the vault of the night sky a conglomeration of glowing spheres, more rich and intoxicating than stars. At this vision she stared with glittering eyes, long after her partner had grown confused and disinterested before leaving. Hours later, she blinked awake, as if from a glorious dream, and the goddess returned to her duties. The other gods of the pantheon began to notice a change in her. Though always a promiscuous deity, Aphrodite now slept with more and more gods indiscriminately, apparently giving no further thought to the facade of fidelity she'd loosely upheld. All of her partners, however, felt oddly weakened after being with her. Though none could quite describe the feeling, it was as if some of their very godly essence had been stripped away. Aphrodite, meanwhile, only seemed to grow more beautiful and lustful, though the swell of her belly indicated her pregnancy. Even after her potential partners started choosing to abstain, Aphrodite continued to grow. Over the months, the goddess of love's body quickly but inexplicably bloated to massive proportions, until the she could no longer move from her bedchamber's plush cushions and satin sheets—a wobbling, repulsive blob of flesh that still cried out passionately in the night, though no deity visited her now. If her servants ran to her side in response to the noise, they found nothing but a perspiring mass, swollen bigger still, though less sane. None of this changed as the children of the gods, the Merged, took over. They left the pathetic, blobby, gibberish-howling mass to writhe in her chamber and be forgotten. Finally, Hephaestus could stand it no longer. He entered the bedchamber of the shapeless heap of blubber that had been his goddess wife with the intent to put her out of her delusional misery. When he ruptured her flesh with an iron spike, the cracks that spread across her flesh issued forth light, not blood. The smith god recoiled and watched in horror as Aphrodite's body tore apart and melted into featureless, transparent jelly, leaving behind a curled-up, vile being. Within the living egg that the goddess had become had incubated the flayed child of Yog-Sothoth, and as Hephaestus looked on, skinless Aforgomon rose to its feet, stood upon the soaked cushions, and looked skyward with a grinning face sans eyes. [i]Father,[/i] he knew it whispered as it vanished. [i]I am here.[/i] Since then, Aforgomon weaves in and out of the world of Merged gods, a ghastly phantom from beyond the stars but perhaps more divine than any of them, for what is a god but a being of absolute power, incomprehensible and vast as the cosmos itself?[/hider] [b]Other:[/b] As evidenced by its history, Aforgomon killed its 'mother' Aphrodite, who served as the living egg in which the fragment of outer space implanted in her by Yog-Sothoth became a living being, drinking in the dreams of the gods and growing to maturity in her swollen body. Hephaestus, who first witnessed Aforgomon, fled Olympus to live the life of an ordinary human on earth, far removed from the gods. [url=http://orig07.deviantart.net/ca27/f/2011/174/1/d/1da1d71405771e9b02674872e38495f3-d3jqi9p.jpg]Look upon its manifested form[/url]