Almost immediately upon disembarking from the plane, Lexi was ushered inside the squat, plain building that she assumed was the organization’s base of operations. Before Lexi could get a good look at her surroundings or enjoy the relief from the heat that the air conditioning brought, she was being led down several hallways that all looked the same and into a padded, comfortable-looking room where she was instructed that she would wait until someone came and got her. And then Richard and Selina left the room to go about their business, leaving her well and truly alone, assuming that they didn’t have cameras watching her that was. Unfortunately, there wasn’t really anything in the room to keep her occupied until someone came to get her, which meant that, after examining the sterile decor of the room for all of two minutes, Lexi became rather bored. Feeling that she would be entirely unable to sleep given her current circumstances, Lexi decided that it might not be a bad idea to practice with her powers for a while. And so that was how she found herself unscrewing one of the bolts in the frame of her bed from across the room, which just so happened to be a pretty good exercise for develop dexterity, or finesse, with her telekinesis. By the time Stefan showed up at the door, she had moved onto working on two screws at once, which turned out to be qutie a bit more difficult at first. Having been quite engrossed in her exercise, Lexi jumped when the door opened, dropping the screws in the process. Once the boy in the doorway finished his spiel, Lexi nodded, standing up and floating Zooks over to the bed as she followed after him and the guards. Before too long, they arrived at what looked like a lecture hall, Lexi taking a seat towards the back of the room while Stefan and the guards went to get the other kids. Once everyone was gathered in the room, the redheaded woman at the front started explaining why they were there, her voice a soft purple that felt hot in Lexi’s hands, like a cup of hot chocolate. When she got to the part about the alien conflict, however, she stepped aside to allow H’mina to speak. Upon seeing the drider-esque being, Lexi clenched her eyes shut and tried to ignore her rising panic. Fortunately, she had taken a seat that was far enough away to take the edge off her fear, so it actually wasn’t too difficult to listen to what he was saying, which was rather chilling if she was being honest. While Lexi felt it rational to trust H’mina’s word when it came to the conflict they were going to be involved in due to how she had been treated up until that point (i.e. like people and not tools), it appeared that some others didn’t find it so easy to put their faith in the alien’s claims. Ironically, however, it was a self-proclaimed bounty hunter that spoke up first, questioning why he was even there in the first place in his blue, gritty voice. After he had said his piece, leaning back and crossing his arms rather defiantly, a boy with black hair and green eyes spoke up, questioning why they should believe the Defector’s story at all, his voice contrasting the bounty hunter’s with its orange color and slick feeling. Figuring that it would probably be a good idea to participate in the discussion as well, Lexi raised her hand after H’mina answered the questions that had already been lobbed his way and asked, [color=pink][b]”What is our life going to be like here while this whole thing is going on?”[/b][/color], hoping that it would be more or less like a summer camp where they got to practice their abilities.