Megan frowned in disappointment. She'd really wanted to action duel, now she'd have to wait for who knows how long. Shrugging ruefully she calmly counted the seconds in her head and made her way to the stadium seats, waiting until the 59th second to sit down in a seat with a nice view next to one of the ninja kids. She wondered if they were related. Anyway, at least she'd get a general idea of how an action duel before doing it herself. She wondered if anyone else would get to duel before class ended. And how often they got chances to do things like attempt to rank up and do duels of their choice. Could you only do duels of your preferred type or did you do all types? Or did you only do standard duels and duels of your choice and if you picked standard duels you only did those? It occurred to Megan that she didn't know very much about this place at all,