"Damn it!" Rhiannon hissed as she tripped over the rubbish. There was an almighty clatter and clang as her fall distributed various debris across the hall. She trembled as the silence of her prison returned, fearing an assailant appearing from the dark. Nothing occurred and so she focuses on steadying her breathing, slowing it and breathing out more than in as her therapist had taught her. When she felt ready, she tried to regain some confidence. Her quiet approach was utterly ruined now so she made a show of standing up and brushing herself off, as if she hadn't been trying to sneak through the shadows. No one came running although she was sure she'd heard a thump, one not caused by herself. Feeling distinctly that there was at least one pair of eyes on her now, Rhiannon forced herself to walk in the most visible part of the hall at a measured pace but with every step her fear-swamped mind picked out assailants and untold horrors in every unmoving shadow. "That's it!" She shouted suddenly, her voice wavering with fear and frustration. She threw her hands up in exhaustion, trying to make her wrist wound as visible as possible as well as showing her distinct lack of a weapon. She wasn't sure whether she was being watched fir certain but it wouldn't hurt to pretend to be more aware than she was. "I know someone's there! I've got no weapons and I've got this weird thing on my wrist and I'm scared half to death!" The words tumbled from her mouth, her measured attempt to communicate lost as her fear took the reins for a moment. "If you're the same as me then come on out and let's talk, please?" Her voice was pleading, quiet. She waited, hands up and starting to feel stupid for talking to no one she could see.