[center][b][h2][color=00a651]Eto[/color][/h2] Cybtertron, Transformers Universe[/b] [@Lmpkio][@Mtntopview][@Absolis] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3472Q6kvg0[/youtube][/center] [hr] Well Ultron was sur being particularly feisty for a robot, which made Eto chuckle. It didn't matter, the lackeys were being dealt with by Cyano and Grimlock. Not a hard task for them, at least they could provide her with some cover as Eto engaged the main body, the only real problem to deal with. He had retreated and the ghoul flung the arm she snagged in the air a couple of times, her hand easily healing in a matter of seconds. There were more units, but she'd leave them to the two to handle, and in any case, she had four massive Kagune to annihilate any distraction. She'd grin with satisfaction. When Ultron removed the piece of the Kagune with his hand, he'd unknowingly cause it to latch onto his remaining arm. Sure his concussion beam would be strong enough to remove the portion on his palm, but a Kagune didn't care about that. It swiftly stabbed its many "roots' into the crevices of the arm's machinerie, clogging it ever so slightly until the mouth gnawed on the joint, making connection between Ultron's brain and the arm very unsure and glitched. As such, his concussion beam would be immensely inaccurate. "[color=00a651]You're such dumbfuck, Ultron~ You know you're outmatched. Satsuki sure got into your techno head. Bitch.[/color]" She'd say as the massive debris was flung at her and she'd simply retract her monstrous Kagune to release her original Ukaku Kagune. It was essentially a mass of spikes on the level of her neck and shoulders with a long, muscular appendage sticking out of the shoulder cap like a naked wing. With that, she'd jump high and essentially fly through the debris, dodging them with ease thanks to her speed and momentum from the jump. Because the concussion blast was inaccurate, she'd easily see it coming and simply move out of the way. While the Kagune kept gnawing on the joint to attempt to leave Ultron devoid of arms, Eto simply stepped on one of the last debris, allowing her to propel herself toward Ultron. With her strength and general speed, it would seem as though she practically appeared in front of him, her right eye black as the abyss that was Ultron's life prior to being free and her red pupil just hungry for his soul. Her grin translated pure malice at this point, he worked her up good. In any case, either the Kagune would keep his arm completely helpless or Ultron would have been too occupied trying to purge it, Eto would be standing before him her hand stabbing into his core. "[color=00a651]You know, I'm not really going too kill you. You're too ... Precious.[/color]" She held a tight grip on the core, allowing it to burn her hand but at the same time is was leaking power fast. She simply stared at him, taunting him to do something about it while she held his severed arm on her other hand. With each tug, she severed a few cords linking his body to the energy core he needed, clearly threatening to kill this precious body of his. It didn't matter, she could just reanimate him after all since he was a robot and stuff. [hr] [center][b][h2][color=00aeef]Bambietta Basterbine[/color][/h2] Eastgate City, Kaiju Rumble Arena - Arcadia-2[/b] [@Archmage MC][@Absolis][@The_written_John][@dirty slime][@Lmpkio][@Flamelord][/center] [hr] Light's response was interesting to say the least, not the least bit curious as to what Bambietta was or why it seemed ritual to do such thing. Of course all Bambi saw was that Light was just another bitch who'd get massively fat in twenty years. The Quincy kept a somewhat warming smile to the crew as she chomped on the delicacy she had just robbed. "[color=00aeef]Yeah, name's Bambi. Sorry, I thought it was okay given we're saving your friend and all.[/color]" She said with a whole lot of sass. Of course, she'd ask a question regarding the 'joke' she made, though it wasn't really a joke, the way she formulated it would make what she'd deem common people react strangely. Well, she wasn't one to attribute the title of common people given she was pretty below average on the neuron scale. However, this blonde gay lord would add a layer that would make Bambietta's eye twitch. She couldn't decide whether to obliterate him on the spot or diss him to absolute shame in the upcoming seconds. Especially with his smug bullshit that seemed typical of what she'd do actually when she'd be bored herself. Though she'd add her breasts to it to make it even more convincing. Luckily, Biollante's Kaiju form was fast enough to choose for her. Bambi would grin, forming one of the smuggiest smiles of all time as she'd present the big bad Biollante by pointing her flatted hand toward her. Indeed, she was the biggest Kaiju in the field and probably the most creepy too. As such, the joke they made a remark on gained so much credibility that it earned a Bambietta tongue sticking out. "C[color=00aeef]an't call you a whore since you've practically let me fuck you for free there, buddeh. It's okay though, but my non-existing dick is probably bigger than yours anyway, homo~[/color]" He wanted to play ball after all, so she gave him what he wanted, sort of. She didn't have to fight him, especially with Kolon around. Speaking of which, she'd stare at the critter that seemed in awe toward Light. Bambietta didn't see much in her, she actually looked like one of those weird ass creations Gremmy would make to satisfy his childish needs and tendencies. What a damn creep that guy was. Then again he had a power that surpassed almost anyone in the Multiverse until now, so being a creep was probably a small payoff. She'd flick the cat thing's forehead in order to get its attention. "[color=00aeef]Ey, don't make a scene, we're not here to piss on these people too much either[/color]." She'd say completely shamelessly before looked back at Light. "[color=00aeef]So you guys are from another world huh? I bet some of you are even from the other Arcadia. Well today's your lucky day, 'cause I got all the answers you need.[/color]" She'd say with an attempt to look somewhat stylish by closing her eyes, cool grin and pointing at herself with her thumb.