The last several hours were a blur, mainly because Emma drifted in and out of sleep throughout their trip. She felt obliged to stay awake but didn't really care to; she wasn't going to have a choice in where they were going, after all. She didn't particularly like the idea of being a guinea pig in some government lab, but she knew better then to try to stage an escape on her lonesome. The boy who manipulated fire was certainly evidence enough that there were others like her, so if it came down to her needing to escape she could count on there being allies wherever she was going. Allies that would incidentally have super powers, to her fortune. So for the time being she resolved to be a compliant captive and go along for the ride. The car took them to an airport, the airplane took them to another car where she was blindfolded upon entry, and then the car took them on what she estimated to be a several hour ride until she was finally released into a cell. Not exactly the kind of treatment she was used to but there wasn't much to be done on that count. Her cell was comfortable enough for the time being. When one Stefan Zimov came to retrieve her, along with a small herd of children, she nodded, following behind. The group was ushered into an oddly disarming room resembling a classroom and sat down in front of a once again oddly disarming women who attempted to bring them up to speed with the situation. Emma lazed back in her seat, paying only a cursory amount of attention to the women. Instead what garnered her attention was the alien. It was always her opinion that alien life was an obvious conclusion: After all, in a universe with billion of planets it was a statistical improbability for Humans to be the only life to develop. She was still quite surprised at the appearance of the creature, as she certainly had not begun the day expecting to meet a walking, talking alien. When it was the alien's turn he spoke of great alien conflicts and the origin of their powers. Emma at the very least had the intelligence to pay attention to a spectacle such as this instead of sleeping. Emma didn't have any reason to believe it was a lie, and when one of the children questioned the truth of the story Emma spoke up, clearing her throat. "Well, the fact of the matter is that regardless of how true their story is, we have no choice but to believe it. After all, after going through the trouble of retrieving us they aren't just going to let us go. And besides, we have no reason to mistrust them; I myself cannot puzzle out a better explanation for our powers." Emma leaned back in her chair, relaxing. She had no intent to ask any questions of her own. She had already resolved to 'go with the flow', so she did just that. She did, however, share Lexi's curiosity. Hopefully they didn't expect too much from her, as she would rather not spend her time involved in some intergalactic conflict.