Bunny smiled at Lucas an returned to her two charges in an effort to reassure them that they were safe for the moment. Then as she was listening to Daz send she heard him say he knew where their things that were taken from them when they were captured were an that he meant to go after them. [Color=Yellow]"I don't mean to sound alarmist but I'd leave the phones because of their internal GPS devices because they could use them to track us, in fact that might be how they got us in the first place. As for power we could all share power so that you'd be restored. Britney an Tina haven't used their power much because they lack experience; they're the reason I've been able to recharge. The strange thing is that it doesn't diminish any in the gestalt and once we've touched into the wellspring of the group we can tap it again without touching physically. Wish I knew the range of the link between our minds but you are the first people I've met who can do the same thing I can do."[/Color] sent Bunny in a rapid stream of information as she smiled at everyone [Color=Yellow]"I know that we've all been through a stress filled situation an experienced things we never imagined but in honesty we aren't out of the barrel just yet so we need to continue to pull together. Dam I sound like the Vicar[/Color] Bunny giggles as she stops sending