Emotion: Hatred Apparent Gender: Mainly Female Name: None Date of Arrival: 1- apex of the blue moon Champion: Lauren Wentz General Appearance: Until Hatred took a truer form it was a black and red humanoid shadow, one without features or any definition about it's extremities save for the sharp looking digits on it's hands and blazing red lights of it eyes. It spoke as a deep, resounding growl, and it's power was absolute. However after a while it began to take the shape of a woman to better suit the psyche of it's champion, her skin almost alive, white and dark Gray with moving red as if her soul tries to escape, he very veins as black as her heart. Her lips are black naturally, her teeth and nails sharper and longer than a humans, ultimately looking like a twisted, strange, older vision of her champion. None can escape the seething, burning flame of hatred, trapped within her eyes. Height:6'4 Weight: 198 lbs. Clothing Choices: Hatred dawn's lighter plate armor, always ready for battle and war. Silken tunic, chainmail, and leather played in metal, breastplates, gauntlets, boots, and a skirt. It is all a darker gray, engraved with large black archaic runes that crawl and pulse with large energy, especially the pauldrons. Hair style: Deepest red to near black that reaches to almost her waist, thick and slightly wavy Eye Color: Burning, blazing, bloody red Weapons/Artifacts: Visage of War, A mask that goes beyond the forehead as horns and a crown, Hate uses it to access her truer form from beyond the veil, assuming the atheriel realm over the real one. She stretches out into a sharp clawed shadow with two red eyes and a black maw, every human near her transformed by the darkness and hatred of their heart into momsters she can control, the life force of each one who is slain or succumbs to the darkness is taken for her own power. Black Heart Blade, a blade summoned from the darkness of ones own heart, when used to kill it breaks another's heart and releases the monster inside, either to be absorbed for energy or controlled Dark Walker, boots to step among the shadows at a speed beyond even light and open a portal through darkness Accessories: Black veins, claws, fangs, gauntlets Abilities: Able to absorb hate, control those changed by it's power, and summon a small area of Hates version of the atheriel plane Like every Catalyst, Hatred can sense the hate and anger in every being. Unlike others, she cannot stop sensing it, and she cannot quiet it, every reason and every piece of hate and anger for miles around is constantly within her, angry voices beating at the walls inside her very existence. Personality: Hatred is a complicated character. She despises humanity, everything they've done, all they've become, everything they've done to earth and each other. She cannot stop hating, she will not stop, and she will always seek the destruction of human kind, for the peace, beauty, and order of a world she once knew. She can be calm, even wistful, and misses eons gone by and wonders destroyed by human nature. Morality: Hatred stops at nothing to destroy others. Nothing. Additional Information: Hatred finds her champion to be disgusting, her search for power futile, and sees her as a tool. Only when her progeny knows the fillet of man will She truly respect her and allow her to use Hatreds full power to do what she believes is right- kill the humans. Raise the aether. Remake the world as the splendorous thing it once was.