[@TheHangedMan][@KahleenCuthald] Cal nodded in agreement. [color=0072bc]"Well, my brother is on the team, a seeker... Not really a surprise there. Anyways, my mum bought him, and the Slytherin Quidditch team all the newest versions of the [i]Firebolt[/i]. It totaled to tens of thousands of galleons! And somehow were still rich. It's not something I don't like to brag about, but it might help me, actually the four of us get on the team, though, if you don't have talent, I don't think the broom will cut it."[/color] Cal thought about it in silence for a minute, as Karen continued. "Nathan, Charlyn, Callum, how would you like to increase our chances of getting into the team?" This time it was Nathan who spoke. [color=6ecff6]"Well, since we have the next week off from class, I was thinking we could all go down to the Quidditch pitch and practice. What do you guys think."[/color] [color=0072bc]"Well, I have some of the old [i]Forebolts[/i] at home, and I could get my mum to send them. It wouldn't be such a bad idea. What do you two think?[/color]