Oh look. Details. On some. Unlocking Self-aware entity 2 Factbook data... Unlock complete! [picture] Name: Rovii (Roviikind) [diagram of star system and map of homeworld[ Evolution and Home System: The Rovii come from a F-class star system which is close to the end of its life. The Rovii come from a moon, not a planet. Their moon orbits a gas giant and is slightly smaller than Earth. The gas giant is giant, it is a super jovian. They have seven other moons accompanying their jovian moon system, one of which is habitable to Rovii as well, with a independent biosphere spread via panspermia. The other planets in their star system are terribly numerous, there is over a dozen planets in all and many of them are lifeless. Only two moons and one planet in the whole star system have life. One planet? Yes, there's one other planet with life in their star system, a freezing cold ice world in a binary system orbits far out with primitive aquatics in the mineral rich oceanic depths. These aquatic aliens are shockingly related to life orbiting around the tropical super Jupiter. I say tropical as the moon orbits around the sun in such a way that their planet is actually quite warm, and very humid. The radiation intensiveness is blocked by the strong magnetic field of Havont, but still such radiation is more intense than our world to the point where many creatures have developed a increased natural resistance to radiation. The Colorful jungles of their home moon of Havont are deeply influenced by the intense tidal forces acting upon Havont on a daily basis. Earthquakes are frequent, mass extinctions happen every 7-12 million years and complex life only existed on their world for 478 million years. Yet the Rovii managed to develop in this alien environment, densely populated with extreme biodiversity from the deep jungles that grow and fall so rapidly, the numerous jagged plains and claustrophobic teeth that permeate so much of the landscape, such intense hostility leading to many geographic barriers with various bowl regions, crumbling mountains and rugged terrain along with sulfuric wastes permeating the planet. There is little ice on Havont, the world is warmer than Earth with a more homogenous temperature. The cloud cover of the world is heavy, but light does peer through the dense jungles and small, but highly destructive storms that develop ever so frequent. There is no real oceans on Havont, instead there is many large landmasses and a vast aquatic network of interconnected rivers and seas that can theoretically be traversed. With land being formed from volcanic activity, the changes in terrain can be jarring and very chaotic to an outside observer. While a smaller world than earth, Havont has biodiversity that actually exceeds that of Earth by at least one or two orders of magnitude thanks to the sheer amount of habitats and places life can get isolated in the countless nooks and crannies in the porous and unstable terrain of Havont. Such unstable world seems hostile for intelligent life, but it would seem that it has led to quite the opposite. Intelligence as a trait arose many times on havont, but only with the Rovii that any such intelligence lead to an advanced, space faring civilization. In fact rovii-level sapience may have developed once or twice independently before. Such developments by this point are in what fossil record is left to exist. The forests come in three major colors, yellow, orange and white. There is many more colors, but it is common for there to be trees with white tree trunks and very diverse colorations. These trees aren’t too unlike trees on Earth, but are different in that they can grow to insane heights and have a habit of intertwining multiple layers of branches and vines along with hosting many sub-organisms who root themselves into the trees parasitically. Very vibrant flowers exist on Havont in thousands of varieties and many, many respective species adapted to all the different flowers on the world. Havont’s insect analogs are interestingly enough, tetrapods with only few hexapodal life forms. Many life forms on Havont are great climbers, be it in the arid peaks or the dense forests. Gliding is exstremely common a trait, of which the Rovii also have as well. Megafauna on the world comes in many bizarre forms, such as the gliderkillers, massive beings who fly around the world, of whom nest at the top of jungles. They prey on the skin balloons who lazily float in the upper parts of the Havontian biosphere, these skin balloons being host to many other flying species who will defend their home balloon from the glider killers in exchange for a place to live. Such relationship being just one of perhaps millions on Havont. Flying leathery winged creatures that can perceive sound and live on a diet on tons of different foods have considerably high intelligence on Havont; these “intelligent bats” (well known for having only two major similarities to bats- good hearing and being warm blooded flying animals) are related to the Rovii. The Rovii have always been aware of such, for Roviikind has multiple species of Rovii that had been isolated for hundreds of thousands of years in the complicated ecosystems of Havont. In the undergrowth yellow hair mold tends to be common, acting as both autotrophs and decomposers of all the biological material that falls down to the jungle floor pretty much every other minute. Outside of the jungles fields of palegrass pretty much permeate the temperate north, where plain running creatures exist in wet marshes where flora and fauna have extremely. Extremely blurred lines due to the flesh groves. The early Rovii societies didn't have agriculture, instead they were vast colonies of nests that interwove together to make "cities" centered around monumental structures who notably echo sound and reverberate all which is spoken within. Other early rovii societies never even stabilized outside of isolated nest settlements, with shepherding Rovii being common in non jungle parts of the world. Knowledge accumulated and revised at stunning rates, some forms of agriculture managed to develop, although in a way very different from the way we think of agriculture; they used far more vertical space for their crops rooted themselves not in soil, but in the trees. Overall, with vertical farming methods in a agricultural society, population explosions were perhaps a inevitability. Interestingly enough, the Rovii avoided mass deforestation except when they didn't; even than, the society that came after usually did a good job of replanting the bamboo-fast growing trees. Deforestation simply not being a good way to live when most of your crops depend on such deep rooted jungle trees. The Rovii in the jungles became advanced and would manage to domesticate a wide range of creatures, mostly as pets that also acted as food animals; eating your pet isn't such a big deal to the Rovii since as far as they can care, it's your pet. The Rovii had serious difficulties using beasts of burden, but their fast speed made it so that they never needed any chariots just to move around a city like the Aveterriat or Calzonit. Rovii (Amplexus) Physiology and Biology: There is five distinct Rovii species over a dozen rovii subspecies, all of which cosnitute "Roviikind". The complicated history of the Rovii has been shaped by the relations these species have had. However, there is a several physiological aspects that are universal to them that shall be discussed here. capable of gliding and are large, make use of "weak" echolocation and have amazing amounts of sensory overload. Their eyesight is around the level of a humans (abeilt with much more FoV than humans have and their vision being able to focus in two areas at once), they can sense the world around them ever further simply by speaking and are more sensitive to touch and the cold than humans. Their perception of color is not as good as ours, being far more stimulated by the wider range of sounds they can here. Rovii are relatively more fragile than humans in general, although the larger subspecies are slightly more resiliant than people simply due to their thicker hides. Their heads are very oblong and connect down to a long neck to their bodies that are built not too unlike a flightless bird. The Rovii have a large flaps that can be used for gliding to a small, but very limited level. Think more a falling cat than a bird. This has made the rovii more specialized to the lower levels of jungles their running ability would feature more in the Rovii species who exist in the northern grass deserts. Smaller Rovii species would find their niches from sheer geographic isolation in different parts of the planet for nearly a million years. The main differences between the Roviikinds are in their overall structure and some difference in behavioral ritual. Male rovii in the [Alpha] kind are much more capable than in the other kinds (though matriarchal social systems still occurred, however different they are) while in the [Gamma] kind, the rovii are just bigger on the whole and more claustrophobic. The [Delta] kind are what Rovii generally are thought of as they're the most widespread species of Rovii. Not as intelligent and seem to have more of a pack mentality, although this may just be cultural. The [Epsilion] kind however, are much stranger behaviorally being less prone to communication and having a very different diet along with different coat colors. But it is the [Rho] kind who are notable for being smaller than other kinds of Rovii. All these species exhibit a significant range of variation due to self-domestication and sexual selection having far more factors than lesser creatures. More species of Rovii used to exist, but they are all dead due to various unfortunate events that occurred in their existence. The Roviikind are omnivores and pack hunters, eating a wide, wide range of food thanks to how many different kinds of food the Rovii have access to. It is mind boggling, to imagine how many different foods the Rovii have access to. They essentially have no genes that generate vitamins, relying solely on food they eat. This has been a major problem as the Rovii became more technologically avanced for food rations required more calories than with humans and diets got convoluted fast due to the sheer amount of options they have. Listing them would be literally writing tons of gibberish words. The Rovii reproduce with eggs that are fertilized externally. Said eggs when they develop will stick to areas they were fertilized. These eggs tend to be surprisingly dull, being round and pale in color. Any ornamentation (such as painting) is a product of a rovii painting the egg of its own spawn or another rovii's. Psychology: The psychology of the Rovii is not all that different from that of humans. Like us they engage in many rituals, use symbolic language and organize themselves into complex family units and have numerous cultural organizations, in no small part due to the vastly different ecosystems and multiple species of rovii there are. They get happy, sad, angry, can suffer from even similar mental states such as depression and hysteria (the latter of which being defined in rovii terms as being incomprehensible in every way possible, but simply acting out). Except in the many ways it is not. The Rovii do not fear death, they fear silence. This psychological quirk has had serious implications for how Rovii view the world around them and has shaped much of their outlook on reality in ways that make them morally alien in countless ways in spite of what similarities they show at times to humans in terms of their persistence and rapid pace of change that has defined the existence of the rovii since they became a self-aware set of species. For instance, the Rovii fear dying of rot far more than they do dying from being gibbed to smithereens or burned to death. They would rather be stabbed into pieces or forcibly drowned than be left in a cold dark room until they die from starvation. This pathological fear of silence isn't universal, but it is so common that it has affected the moral basis of rovii society for millennia, in all the ritual warfare and corruption that has came with it. The Rovii are very inclined to anti-determinist thinking and long term, orderly hierarchies tend not to last ever with the Rovii; slave revolts happen all too often despite the disturbingly creative torture methods their oppressors use against their debt slaves. Race-based caste systems or slavery based on species or race are absent, for the rovii tend to discriminate over what others think and on sex (male rovii are pretty much regulated to home worlds or "safe zones" and are pretty much seen as half-sentient despite obvious showings of intelligence (all so much rationalized as just collective hallucination or just imaginary company)) than on race. They do not really have a concept of friends, instead have a concept of "company"- basically anything that can listen to a Rovii or otherwise converse. The Rovii tend to be content interacting with any other sapient species, no matter how alien. They do make some level of bonding with those they talk to more, but this to them is less a "friend" and simply "common company"- common company they tend to incline to more and they generally will be more loyal to those who interact with them the most. Attention, positive or negative seems to attract them. Despite their seemingly collective behavior and living, the Rovii are individualistic to a strong degree having a strong self-identity and generally have individual interests. The reason they maintain colonies being more because they prefer it over living alone. They fear that. Working towards a common goal is a known idea to the Rovii, but the rovii are far more influenced by things such as poetry, music and dance than by written texts, of which even the scientific texts tend to be mythologized. Rational Rovii exist just enough that some sense of naturalism exists among their kind, indeed later Rovii societies as things on their world became more desperate would lead to the rovii becoming far less naturlaistic and incredibly materialist in their worldview. The Rovii would than proceed their cycle of birth, ascension, collapse and chaos. A cycle of which that keeps producing more advanced societies than the last. As to how the Rovii advanced to a space age society on a subterranean world without dying out as a society, the answer lies in the fact they had a nearby world like their own easily colonized and in the potency of their F-class star, of which gave them the exotic matter to travel to other stars once they achieved space faring capability. By the time they had spaceships, it should be noted, the Rovii had the composers keeping their societies stable as they can; as the Composers took over Havont after the first collapse. However, the Composers being of Rovii construction tragically were prone to their self-destructiveness sin the long term and four more collapses would ensue before the rise of the Metasyndicate. Domesticates: Floating Snakes- Floating snakes are one of the common families of fauna on Havont, being basically large, pluffy gliding creatures that really aren’t anything like a snake at all. Their whole predation methodology is totally different. They just are called that due to a unimaginative name scheme. A several breeds of floating snake have found their way pretty much everywhere, in no small part due to large amount of Rovii that keep floating snakes as pets. They even spread to human worlds on many occasions.