[@KatherinWinter] Charles would rise after a few moments and walks up towards Zeus, he would do a slight bow "My Lord, I am Charles also known as Deston which means Destiny" he tells him "I have power over Fate, Destiny, Chance what ever you wish to call it" he spreads his arms out and cards form traveling fast from his left to his right a lot of them, he snatches one and the others vanish "What ever is written on the card I call forth, will happen" he states spinning the card by it's edge on his finger "the cards themselves are sometimes as good as weapons as well but i tend to just let what it says happen.. It can be from calling a simple item to causing hell around... in this situation hope for something simple" he says and shows the card looking it at and reading it "Deck of Bladed Cards" he says as the card poofs and a deck of cards is now sitting in his palm. "and This is what I'm capable of.. as can tell I have no control over what may happen"