[quote=@Imperfectionist] I always thought the double-bladed lightsaber would be ideal for Soresu, allowing for more area to be covered with fewer movements and all that good stuff. My jedi is going to be a Soresu practitioner herself, with a double-bladed lightsaber (they were a lot more common in the Knight of the Old Republic era). Shien/Djem So/Form V with dual sabers would be badass, I think, especially in a scenario like this (lots of blaster fire and lots of melee from the Mandalorians and their battle droids; Form V is quite effective against both). A skilled Form V practitioner is a nightmare on the battlefield... Anyway, I'm slowly but surely working on my own character. New Years and all. [/quote] Hmm, yeah dual saber Shien could be pretty neat, I think I'll go with that. EDIT: Got my CS done and put it in the characters tab for approval.[@HeySeuss] I'll work on relationships as other characters come in.