I've had plenty of time to think today and I've come up with some more details: [b]Setting:[/b] The RP is set during the Galactic Civil war, a couple of months after the destruction of the Death Star. The Rebel Alliance is still in the process of finding a new HQ after they were forced to abandon Yavin IV, fearing retribution from the Empire. This means that the Alliance High Command is currently in hiding. Even so, the Rebellion is currently going through the heaviest period of recruitment in it's history, thanks in no small part to the massive surge of confidence brought about by the victory over the Emprie at the Battle of Yavin. [b]Characters:[/b] I already said I'd like the characters in this RP to be straightforward non-Jedi. Aside from that, I'm happy with pretty much anything. If you want to say that your character is a little force-sensitive and that's why they're a really good pilot, that's fine. I'm even happy for any Jedi or Sith characters who show up to remark on the presence of force-sensitives, but I will draw the line at anyone trying to use actual Force powers. I would also like people to try and stick to canon races as much as possible. Most of the time I don't mind homebrew stuff, but for this RP I'd really prefer to stick to established Star Wars stuff. The authentic Rebel Alliance experience! [b]Plot:[/b] As I mentioned, the player characters would be recent enlistees (as in, just off the shuttle) in the Rebel Alliance. The RP would start in a basic training camp and I'm thinking my character would be their drill sergeant. The RP would progress through the standard things like weapons training and fitness drills and whatnot, but also flight school (starting in T-16 skyhoppers and progressing through to X-Wings). Eventually the recruits would 'graduate' and be placed together for deployment, at which point I'll decide where we're going. If there's anything else anyone wants to know about, feel free to ask. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread to see what sort of interest there is, and if enough people want to do it I'll get onto making the OOC thread.