Jube dug in his pack for one he had been saving. Jube kept a lot of random things on him at all times it seemed. He had his reasons, but often other people had no idea what those reasons were. Pulling one out he pulled it in half, handing her the smaller part for Lupo. "Here, put this one on him, and you take the bigger half. It's suiting since he's smaller than you are." Jube commented as he stood up, "I'm going to get that circle ready, it'll be nightfall soon, so I want to be sure I can see what I'm doing." Milo sat where he was, "I can work on dinner if you want?" Jube nodded, "That would be good." Milo smiled and shifted into a crow form before finally flying out of the cave in search of dinner. Jube watched him go before looking to Kestral, "I'll be back shortly, you just sit with Lupo for now. If you want to read up on the ritual, it's all in that scroll next to your bag." With that, Jube headed out of the cave.