"We are in Russia." Twain answered XIII. "In the middle of nowhere, really... I hope our vehicle isn't buried, that would make the hike very long indeed..." Gemma looked at the old tapestries. "This looks like an old medieval ruin, I'm not an archaeologist... It just looks like a medieval castle in a movie or something. I wonder why all this happened here. I suppose it is out of the way... [i]way way[/i] out of the way... Whatever caused the spike in radiation I felt... " Zesiro frowned at Icarus. Zesiro never liked him much. "I'm going to go back up, try to get a signal and call for back up... The interference to be listening with time, but, there is no way I am going to send a good signal from underground." Was Zesiro really going to work on his radio? Or was he just looking for an excuse to keep out of the group.