[center][h1][color=lightgreen]Elena Reese[/color][/h1][/center] "Well I guess that makes us the same, I mean since then I've not been in contact with my family." Elena said with a slight shrug as she took a sip of her coffee and another bite out of her sandwich and leaned back as Derrick asked what she could do with her powers. "I can create it, and absorb it pretty much. Though obviously I cant use it in water unless I want to zap myself." Elena said with a laugh, then she heard the door open and then someone rushing under their table. Elena sat up slightly as she could see men in suits searching for someone and then running off somewhere else. When the man emerged from under their table Elena raised her eyebrow and stared down at him, and then gasped suddenly when she noticed the bits of glass and blood embedded into him and quickly got out of her seat looking very concerned. "What happened?! We should get you to the hospital." Elena said as she offered her hand to help him back up to his feet. [@pockets][@Simple Unicycle]