[hider=Rhona] [img]http://cdnstatic.visualizeus.com/thumbs/66/fd/66fd031a27c3ffc60c455078ebd56ac2_i.jpg[/img] name: Rhona gender: female godly parents: Bel ( celtic god of fire and the sun) and Sirona (Celtic goddess of healing) sphere of control: Fire, light, life, and healing personality: Rhona is a very warm, gentle, kind, loyal, and loving deity. She tries to avoid conflict whenever she can but if there is no other option but violence then it cannot be helped and she will be a force to be reckoned with. She also tends to be quite innocent and sometimes a little bit shy but it doesn't take long for one to befriend this goddess. sacred animal: the black lion (Leon) and the white horse powers: Pyrokinesis: Rhona has the ability to manipulate fire to her will, as well as create fire, and either use as a weapon or as an aid. Light: Rhona can create flashes of light to temporarily blind enemies (this unfortunately tends to affect allies in range as well). She can also quite literally bend light Healing: Rhona has the ability to heal almost any injury or illness. She cannot, however, bring the dead to life nor can she cure the infected. Life: when certain circumstances are met, Rhona has the ability to revive someone who has recently died or is near death by giving her own life force to said person. (However, this will not work if either said person has been dead for a long time or if Rhona has use it prior and is low on her life force/ she is near death or weak) [hider=Weapon] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/0/0b/DarkDagger.png/revision/latest?cb=20130426080544[/img] [/hider] History: Rhona was born small and frail and was not expected to live for very long. However, Rhona was born a fighter and refused to give up on living from the moment it began. Unfortunately, she had a tendency to fall ill, thus she lived a fairly secluded life and rarely was able to play with the other merged. This did not mean that she lived a lonely life, though. She would often play with her parents and the servants. As time went on, her health improved greatly and was able to interact with the other gods more. However, as a child she had developed a rather shy personality, thus she tended to stay away from the other gods her age. With the bringing of the new disease, Rhona believed that it be necessary for her to go meet with the other gods as she was a goddess of healing. other: Rhona is a very good singer and loves to sing though she tends to avoid singing in front of others Her hair turns into fire when she gets angry and when she uses her fire abilities [/hider] -------------------------------------------------------------------- [hider=Leon] [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/7b2b7494f4ccaa498c579634d4c9c487/tumblr_nl67tjfb2p1tct2eio1_500.jpg[/img] name: Leon (aka Leo) gender: male godly parents: Taranis (Celtic god of Thunder) and Sirona (Celtic goddess of healing and water) sphere of control: Water, Lightning/Thunder, Healing personality: Unlike Rhona, who tends to be more openly caring and innocent, Leon is more stoic and not as easily befriended. However, this doesn't mean that Leon is incapable of expressing kindnesses and warmth. He just chooses not to. He is very protective, loving, and proud of half twin sister and lets very few actually get close to her. Given time, he is actually just as kind, loving, gentle, and loyal as his sister. sacred animal: Black lion cub powers: Electricity: Leon has the power to summon powerful volts of electricity, to the point where it is visible to the human eye. Water: Leon has the ability to manipulate water to his will and can breathe underwater. Healing: Leon has the ability to heal almost any injury or illness. [hider=Weapon] [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121010001709/elderscrolls/images/5/56/Auriels_bow.png[/img] [/hider] History: As it turns out, Sirona had an affair with a fine Celtic god, that went by the name of Taranis. Thus, Sirona was pregnant with twins. Rhona, the daughter of Bel, and Leon, son of Taranis. At first, Bel was overjoyed to hear that Sirona was having twins, however, this quickly changed when he heard that one of the twins was not his. Fortunately for Leon, Taranis passed away, and out of initial pity, Bel decided to raise Leon as his own... at a price. Bel still felt betrayed by Sirona. Therefore, in a fit of rage, Bel cursed Leon to take the form of a black lion. Upon the first 5 years of his life, Leon felt nothing but bitterness and hatred towards his sister, believing that his curse was her fault. Since Leon was the stronger twin, he would constantly use this to his advantage when messing with his sister. He would constantly play too rough or would run too far ahead and leave Rhona to fend for herself. Only to be scolded later for it. This all changed when Leon played a little bit rougher than he should've and ended up having Rhona faint. However, this became a huge turning point for Leon. Ever since that fateful day, Leon has been much more loving, gentle, and protective over Rhona. Acting her familiar, guardian... and the brother she didn't even knew she had. Eventually, the curse placed on him weakened over time to the point where it disappeared completely. However, Leon decided to not reveal his true self to his beloved sister, rather, stay the way he was. Rhona's familiar. On occasion, when Rhona isn't looking, he will turn back to his true self, temporarily. other: he has the ability to transform into a [url=http://img12.deviantart.net/b3cd/i/2014/164/7/3/black_lion_by_paulie_svk-d7m6ocr.png] lion [/url] at will He is the older twin by nearly an hour. Rhona has yet to learn that Leon is her half twin brother.[/hider]