Santa Claus - 18 Prancer - 5 Vixen - 20 Comet - 20 Cupid - 20 Donner - 20 Blitzen - 20 Ms. Claus - 20 Santa's Elves - 20 Jack Frost - 20 [color=ed1c24]Frosty the Snowman - 23[/color] Grandma(from Grandma Got Ran Over by A Reindeer) - 20 Grinch - 20 Ghost of Christmas Present - 20 Ghost of Christmas Past - 20 Krumpus - 31 Jack Skellington - 20 Sally - 20 Cindy Lou - 20 Attention, all employees, Whoever attempted to change Frosty to 25 when it was supposed to be 24, know that the HR Department hates you and talks about you behind your back during lunch. That is all...