[b]Name[/b]: Herak S'Prorta [b]Age[/b]: 34 [b]Rank/Position[/b]: Subcommander acting as an Ambassador to the [i]U.S.S Orion[/i] and the Federation. [b]Race[/b]: Romulan [b]Appearance[/b]: Herak is a pretty standard Romulan male, standing at an average height of 6' 2", his flesh of a slightly green colouring, his jet-black hair cut into the usual Romulan 'bowl cut' style, and the 'V' brow-ridge present and accounted for upon his forehead. One thing that others may notice is, oddly, that he is actually quite handsome from a certain point of view; he possesses the Patrician features of nobility - high cheekbones, a slightly hooked nose and a finely sculpted bone structure - as well as clean-limbed body with wiry muscles from decades of hard training. In fact, everything about the way he looks could be considered [i]hard[/i] and generally [i]solid[/i] in a look that only a seasoned combat soldier - or rough-and-tumble fighter - can achieve. His otherwise unmarked skin is defaced in certain places upon his torso by what look to be scarring caused by bladed weapons, a similar healing of the skin on his face (which has left a puckered scar reaching his jawline) causing the right side of his mouth to upturn, making it seem as if he is constantly sneering, smirking or generally sharing a private joke with himself. [b]Personality[/b]: Private, yet nowhere near as paranoid or insular as other Romulans - he has seen things during his years of military service, both on land and among the stars, giving a dimension of curiosity and wanderlust to him that most of his race severely lack. This has affected him in other ways, primarily in that he adheres strictly to rules aboard ship, is very black and white in his views, and once heated in extremely hard to subdue in any situation. Needless to say, most of his personality stems back to his upbringing, and his time serving the Star Empire. [b]History[/b]: The life of young Herak is a singularly uninteresting one; born into the little-known House-clan of Prorta, he came from a line of warriors and soldiers that could be traced back to the very founding of Romulus itself. They had never had a representative in the Senate, never gained command over the armies or fleets of the Empire, but those of the Prorta had never shirked their duty and had ever done all they could to further the aims of their homeland. From the earliest suitable age he was exposed to military matters, those of open face-to-face or ship-to-ship combat, and has always held a disdain for the Tal'Shiar and their underhanded methods of warfare. As he grew older he endured tutelage from three generations of his male line, each a warrior and each with their own knowledge to impart to him, a training that would see him beaten time and again in body and mind but returning each time a little stronger than the last. Eventually, he made his way to the Romulan Imperial War College, showing an aptitude for studying and therefore learning how best to annihilate an enemy...something well noted by his professors and training instructors, something that would have a bearing on his overall future; upon graduation he was offered the rank of Centurion and took it gladly, only too happy to try and make his family proud of him! What he experienced for the next sixteen years of his life would leave a lasting impact upon hi,, both mentally and with quite obvious scars which he carries to this day. Conflicts against the Klingons, Dominion and the Breen seeing to it that he gathered healthy amounts of both hatred and respect for his honoured adversaries, but also making certain that he took to studying his potential enemies - such as the Federation, Bajorns and Cardassians - in much more thorough detail. By the time an assignment was handed to him, his peers apparently far too paranoid and undiplomatic for such a task (his wounds by a bladed weapon also rendering him temporarily less effective as a fighter...), he had become a respected - if not well liked - Subcommander within the Romulan hierarchy, now being transferred to an ambassadorial role aboard a Federation vessel. A vessel carrying none other than Ambassador Spock, the envoy between Vulcan and the grassroots movement on Romulus for reunification of the species, something that Herak supported in secret but would never dream of speaking about in public. [b]Skills[/b]: He contributes a number of skills, but highest on the list would have to be his knowledge of all things Romulan. Especially helpful during these trying times against the Dominion, when all need to unite. Perhaps a little lower down, but no less helpful, is his extensive and personally gained knowledge of combat in a plethora of settings, situations and so forth. If a position became available where these skills may be needed, he might jump at the chance. [b]Other[/b]: Anything else I feel can be figured out IC. [b]Sample Post[/b]: Subcommander Herak paced back and forth within the confines of his new 'accommodation' aboard the [i]Orion[/i], hands fixed firmly behind his back, his brow furrowed and his lips pursed tightly together; all-in-all it was the mood of someone not pleased to have been taken from what he thought of as 'proper' duties, and placed instead as some go-between for his people. Getting cut with a Klingon weapon was nothing, certainly no reason to have attached him to this primitive vessel, far away from his beloved Star Empire, his family, and most especially any sense of excitement or thrill of battle. These surroundings, for one, were wholly inadequate! The artistic value of the room was none, the walls a horrid grey colour, not a lick of paint or a picture visible anywhere, and, worst of all, he was forced to endure the constant whirring murmur of the engines - engines that, he swore on his father's life, must have been placed so close to this habitation deck just to annoy the mostly non-human occupants. Then there was the Captain of the ship...the half-breed who claimed some sort of Romulan ancestry. Such a remark was to be greeted at all turns with much laughter, at least in private, for he had seen Tal'Shiar documents pertaining to each and every senior member of this crew, and he was not impressed. Not impressed at all. The so-called Captain certainly bore the name of a notable family from [i]ch'Rihan[/i], it could only be a matter of waiting in these turbulent times to see if she had what it took to bear it.